It appears Democrats have utterly mangled ObamaCare's much-hyped health insurance rebate that was supposed to be hitting your mailbox. Now, rather than taking credit for putting money in your pocket just a few months before the presidential election, the Obama administration is scrambling to explain, and defend, the plan to millions of confused families and employers.
The idea behind the rebate was simple, and therefore easy to demagogue: ObamaCare would crack down on what Democrats saw as outrageous health insurance profits and salaries. The law requires health insurers selling individual and small group policies (i.e., 50 employees and under) to spend 80 percent of premiums on claims, and 85 percent for large groups.
If health insurers spend less on claims than those target amounts, known as the medical loss ratio (MLR), they must rebate to policyholders the difference - a total of about $1.1 billion this year. Democrats reasoned that the first rebates would arrive in August, just as voters were beginning to focus on the election. And President Obama could add a new item to his "list-of-giveaways" speech, pointing out how average people were sticking it to the health insurers for a change.
But the White House has, once again, run head-on into Nancy Pelosi's now time-worn comment that we'd have to pass ObamaCare to find out what's in it.
The roughly 12 million people who buy their own health insurance will be mailed a rebate check directly if they're entitled to it. However, for employer-sponsored coverage - which covers about 170 million people - the rebate is being mailed to ... the employer.
And that's where things get confusing.
I received a letter from my employer-sponsored health plan stating that the insurance company "will be rebating a portion of your health insurance premiums through your employer or group policy." So I'm getting a rebate. Yippee!
Or maybe not. The letter continued: "[the insurer] spent only 80% or a total of $1,082,181,772.17 [in Texas] in premium dollars on health care and activities to improve health care quality. Since it missed the 80 percent target by 0% of premium it receives, [the insurer] must rebate 0% of total health insurance premiums paid by the employer and employees in your group health plan."
Go ahead, read it again. It won't make any more sense the second time.
Added confusion comes with what employers can do with the rebates. First, they can keep whatever portion they spend on an employee's premium. Second, employers have up to three months to determine what to do with the employees' share, if any, of the rebate.
The New York Times reports that human resource departments are being inundated with inquiries about when employees will get their money. That's where the bad news comes in: Though the money is supposed to be used to benefit plan participants, employers have a lot of discretion, which means employees may not get a check.
Some employers are returning the whole rebate to employees. Since most economists believe that employee benefits, including the employer's contribution to coverage, are part of an employee's total compensation package, returning the entire rebate makes sense.
Ironically, the left always acts as if the employer's contribution is the employer's money, which is one reason why unions go to such extremes to force employers to spend more on health insurance and pension contributions. If you believe that, then the employer is entitled to keep its share of the rebate.
This confusion and consternation was not what Obama had in mind when he kept reminding his audiences that the "great rebate" day was coming.
And speaking of confusion, Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne has recently argued that those of us who opposed ObamaCare should reject any rebate. But thanks to ObamaCare, health insurers are getting more of my money than they otherwise would have.
Remember, Obama repeatedly promised that a family's premiums would go down $2,500 by the end of his first term. But between 2008 and 2011, the average cost of a family policy went up by nearly $2,500.
And that trend will continue. As the Washington Post recently reported, "A nationwide study conducted by Milliman Inc. for the Society of Actuaries found that nationwide the premiums in the individual market would increase from 8 to 37 percent in 2014."
It didn't have to be this way. The president could have addressed rising health care costs by encouraging consumer driven health insurance options, which actually bend the health care cost curve. He chose not to do that and most Americans will be paying more - a lot more - because of it.
So I think I'll keep my measly $39 rebate, Mr. Dionne. ObamaCare has cost me a whole lot more than the MLR has returned.
August 15, 2012