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Press Release:

Press Release:Santa Clause May Cancel Future Christmas Eve Trips
Santa says someone needs a little Christmas Spirit

North Pole — Today Santa Clause Holdings, Inc., the parent company of Santa Clause International Children’s Gifts, announced that this may be the last year that Santa Clause will be able to make his annual Christmas Eve pilgrimage to give toys to all the good little boys and girls.

Said Santa Clause, CEO of Santa Clause International, “Mrs. Clause and the elves and I are all just sick about it. We want to continue doing this every year, but not if it’s going to be a burden to others or get us in a lawsuit. There are some Grinches just stealing the joy from Christmas.”

Recently, Santa Clause International has come under attack from two groups. The states, eager to find new tax revenue sources, especially since the failure of their efforts to tax Internet sales, have threatened to tax the parents of those children receiving gifts from Santa. Many of those children are poor or low income, and the additional tax could be a financial burden to them.

In addition, a few civil rights organizations have threatened to sue Santa Clause International for discrimination. For many years, Santa has used the “naughty or nice” distinction to determine which children will receive toys. Santa abandoned the practice of leaving a lump of coal years ago, when environmental groups complained that coal was a pollutant. So naughty children get nothing.

However, the civil rights organizations claim that giving gifts only to good children is discriminatory and unfair to naughty children. Those groups ask why naughty children should be denied a visit and a gift from Santa just because they can’t behave themselves.

Santa concluded, “It’s very sad. In the old days, children behaved themselves in order to get a gift from Santa. But if I encourage that good behavior, I could get sued. And continuing to give those gifts may become a taxable event. I’m afraid it’s taken all the Ho, Ho, Ho out of Christmas for me and the elves.”

Santa Clause International is a nonprofit, charitable organization. For more information, contact Santa at