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Senator Cruz to Keynote IPI's 25th Anniversary Gala

DALLAS, TX: U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, one of the conservative movement’s most exciting new leaders, will be the featured keynote speaker for the Institute for Policy Innovation’s 25th Anniversary gala, “A New Frontier for Liberty,” as the organization celebrates a milestone of advocating lower taxes, fewer regulations, and a smaller less-intrusive government.

The event will be held the evening of Thursday, May 2, 2013 at the Frontiers of Flight Museum in Dallas. Mark Davis, host of 660 AM- The Answer’s “Mark Davis Show” will serve as Master of Ceremonies for the evening.

“IPI's efforts over the last 25 years to promote principles that fortify the free market, limited government, and individual liberty have been instrumental to the conservative movement, and are critical to the future prosperity of our nation," said Sen. Cruz. "Their exceptional policy leadership continues to be a valuable resource to conservatives across the country. It is a true honor to be a part of IPI’s silver anniversary celebration.”

“Today, the threat of Big Government is greater than ever, but bold conservative leadership is emerging, and perhaps there is no greater example of that new leadership than Texas’ newest senator, Ted Cruz,” said IPI president Tom Giovanetti.

“Our country has become over taxed and over regulated and Senator Ted Cruz is leading the charge to have less government intrusion in our lives and to restore America’s constitutional form of government,” said Marv Bramlett, IPI Chairman of the Board. “IPI’s 25th Anniversary Gala will be a very special event and we are honored to have Senator Cruz as our keynote speaker."

“Conservatives won’t want to miss this exciting event getting to hear from Texas’ newest U.S. senator and celebrating IPI’s 25 years of promoting freedom, innovation and growth,” said Giovanetti.

The Institute for Policy Innovation is an independent, nonprofit public policy organization based in Dallas, Texas. For more information regarding IPI’s 25th Anniversary Gala, please contact Erin Humiston at (972) 874-5139, or or visit
