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The Administration That Coordinated The Obamacare Website Will Soon Coordinate Your Health Care, Too

If you thought the Obamacare website rollout was a disaster, wait until these same people start coordinating your health care. Committed central planners are managing both efforts. And when coordinating your health care implodes as badly as the website, we’ll get to see a replay of all those responsible running for cover and claiming it was everybody else’s fault.

You’ve no doubt seen the headlines, like this one in the Wall Street Journal: “Botched Launch of Health Site Blamed on Poor Coordination.”  The story begins, “No one in the government made sure the many complex parts of the federal health-insurance website worked together properly, and testing of the complete site didn’t take place until two weeks before its Oct. 1 launch, contractors said at the first congressional hearings into the matter.”

What the story misses is that government-driven “coordination” is THE guiding principle behind Obamacare.  Central planners are imposing their craft—and values—on the whole health care system.

Prior to the passage of Obamacare, most Americans thought the U.S. health care system had some problems, but the large majority also thought it worked pretty well—at least for them.  And they were right on both counts.

But liberals do not think markets can work in health care.  Nor do they think that consumers, and especially patients, can make informed, rational health care decisions.  They have no evidence to buck up that claim, it’s a matter of faith.   New York Times economist Paul Krugman, of course, is an outspoken exponent of both assumptions.

And because the Left sees patients as too irrational or too stupid to make good health care decisions, someone—preferably an Ivy League-trained liberal who will take a “balanced approach”—will make those decisions for them.  That’s one reason why millions will lose their current coverage; those same people think all Americans need the kind of health insurance liberals prefer.

In short, the liberal mantra is that any good health care system needs central planning—i.e., coordination—to make it work, especially with respect to patient care.  Hence, liberals’ universal support for a single-payer system.  But President Obama and his allies knew they couldn’t pass a single-payer system, so they instilled several central-planning elements into Obamacare and hid that scheme by calling it coordination.

Take Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), which were created by Obamacare and heavily subsidized to ensure they would survive.  These are the old Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) on steroids.  Here is a 2011 Washington Post article explaining what the ACOs are supposed to do.

“The hope is that by coordinating care, ACOs will improve quality and efficiency—enabling them to charge Medicare less.  Medicare would then share the savings with the ACOs.  Obama officials estimated the program would reduce Medicare spending by up to $940 million over four years. … To ensure that ACOs do not stint on care, they will have to meet detailed quality standards in four areas: patient experience, care coordination and patient safety, preventive health care, and care for at-risk populations.”

Notice that it’s a “hope” the ACOs will coordinate care—and save nearly a billion dollars to boot.  Think that’s not faith—or delusion?

And to ensure that the ACOs don’t “stint on care”—that is, deny care to enhance their profits at the patients’ expense—the government has created some “quality standards.”  But will the government enforce those standards?  Will heads roll or bonuses be cut if the government-imposed standards aren’t met?  Will someone be held accountable if you die because of uncoordinated care?  And who the heck gave the government the power to determine what “quality health care” is in the first place?

(Question: How many heads have rolled or bonuses been cut in the Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS and NSA snooping scandals, to name a few?  Oh, and all of those scandals were supposed to be government coordinated, too.)

Yes, there are private sector health care organizations that can and do coordinate patient care well; there are also lots of private sector website companies that can run very complicated websites.  But those companies are usually operating within a closed system and with someone who is in charge and held accountable for failure.

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will almost certainly not be held accountable.

The fact is that the government is terrible at coordinating efforts across various public and private organizations, as we saw in the website debacle.

Soon, those same bureaucrats will apply their central-planning efforts to manage your health care by setting guidelines for care and rewarding or punishing health care providers based on how closely they follow the guidelines.

That’s what happened with the Obamacare website and it turned out to be completely dysfunctional.  Don’t be surprised if that’s what happens to your health care, too.