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The Next Obamacare Enrollment Crisis Arrives on April Fool's Day


There is likely to be yet another crisis for the uninsured come April Fool’s Day: They will be barred by law from buying health insurance until the next “open season,” which will begin in October. That is, unless President Obama unilaterally disregards the clear text and purpose of his health care law—a pattern we’ve seen many times—and extends the March 31 enrollment deadline.

I’d put the chances of that enrollment extension at about 75 percent. 

Before Democrats “fixed” the health insurance marketplace, people buying their own coverage in the individual market could do so any time of the year. In addition, if a person had purchased coverage but decided he or she didn’t like dealing with that insurer or the network of doctors, or whatever, that individual could cancel the policy and buy a different one—again, any time during the year. 

Well, you can kiss that economic freedom goodbye, thanks to Obamacare. 

The health care law makes a tradeoff: Insurers have to take anyone who applies for coverage regardless of a preexisting conditions, known as “guaranteed issue.”  But to discourage people from waiting until they need medical care to get coverage, the law only allows them to buy coverage during a roughly six-week “open season” at the end of the year. 

For this first, rollout year, Obamacare allows extra time, until March 31. 

The problem is that millions of Americans won’t enroll by that date. The White House thinks some 5 million will have enrolled by the end of the month. But the Congressional Budget Office estimates that some 45 million Americans will remain uninsured this year. 

Those who don’t choose a plan before April 1 will be stuck with being uninsured until October. And they aren’t the only ones stuck. If you bought a policy but then find out that none of your doctors participate in that plan—something that seems to be happening a lot—you too are stuck with what you chose. 

Look for news stories in April about Americans who want to get coverage—maybe they just got a raise or extra work and feel like they have enough extra money to pay the premiums—but can’t because Obamacare slammed that door shut. 

If there are enough of those stories Obama will surely extend the deadline and defend the action based on polls showing millions of Americans didn’t understand they couldn’t buy coverage later. It would be just one of many politically motivated extensions.  

To be sure, the law does allow for health insurance changes in certain circumstances, such as moving to another state, a job change, getting married, etc. But for the uninsured who failed to get coverage and for those dissatisfied with what they have, their economic freedom has been taken away. 

Of course, they may still have some options. They could buy health coverage that isn’t qualified under Obamacare. They would still have to pay the fine for not having the kind of coverage Obama thinks they ought to have, but at least they would have something—though apparently Obama has postponed that deadline for most people now

Ironically, it didn’t even have to be this way. The Democrats who wrote and passed the law could have restricted the guaranteed issue requirement to the open season. In that case an uninsured person could apply for health coverage at any time during the year, but the health insurer would have been allowed to decline the coverage if it wasn’t during open season. 

The worst that could happen in that case is the applicant would have to wait until open season to get coverage—which he has to do under the new law anyway. 

While Obama and the Democrats keep talking about all the new benefits of Obamacare, there were also a lot of widely accepted freedoms taken away. One is the ability to buy health insurance whenever a person wanted. Millions of Americans may come to realize that on April Fool’s Day.