If you believe that the $2.7 trillion Social Security Trust Fund is real, then you have to believe that the $220 billion in Medicare’s Hospital Insurance (HI) Trust Fund is just as real, because they function the same way. But if the trust funds are an accounting scam, then Social Security is telling the bigger lie.
Both Social Security and Medicare have trust funds. They are both funded by a payroll tax — 6.2 percent each from the employer and employee for
Social Security and 1.45 percent each for Medicare. Both are pay-as-you-go systems, where money put in the trust fund is used to pay current beneficiaries. Since workers historically have paid more into both funds than beneficiaries used, both funds sported a surplus.
And since the federal government borrows the surplus from both funds to pay other expenses, the only thing in those trust funds are special, non-negotiable, interest-bearing IOUs. That means that when the government needs to draw on trust fund assets because beneficiary expenses exceed revenues — which is currently happening for both funds — it must take the money from general revenues or borrow it. (Note: Medicare has four parts, Part A, B, C and D. Only Part A, which pays for hospital expenses, has a traditional trust fund. Parts B, C and D all draw directly from general revenues.)
In other words, the government takes money from revenues or debt and shifts it from the current account pocket to the trust fund pocket and, voila, the trust fund has assets to pay its obligations.
The big difference is that at $2.7 trillion, the Social Security Trust Fund is telling a much bigger lie than Medicare — which is heading south quickly. And that includes ObamaCare’s two new Medicare taxes: an additional 0.9 percent on couples earning more than $250,000 ($200,000 for singles) and a 3.8 percent tax on investment income for the same tax levels.
The Congressional Budget Office predicts the Medicare Trust Fund will decline from $220 billion at the end of 2012 to $67.6 billion by the end of 2022. That decline includes $178.2 billion of draw downs from the trust fund over 10 years — which really means $178.2 billion will have to be taken from general revenues — because it’s spending more than it takes in .
The Medicare Trustees now claim the trust fund will be exhausted by 2024 — which hopefully means we will finally get some truth in budgeting for a change. We haven’t seen a lot of that from this administration.
Take President Obama’s recent statement that his administration has extended the life of the Medicare Trust Fund by eight years. ObamaCare requires the Medicare trustees to fudge the budget numbers. That’s why Medicare’s chief actuary recently released his third warning since ObamaCare passed that the budget estimates coming from the trustees cannot be believed.
In the 21-page memorandum to the Medicare Trustees’ 2012 report, the actuary’s office explains in very diplomatic terms:
“The Trustees Report is necessarily based on current law; … however, the projections shown in the report are clearly unrealistic … The purpose of this memorandum is to present a set of Medicare projections under hypothetical alternatives to those provisions to help illustrate and quantify the potential magnitude of the cost understatement under current law.”
The memorandum explains that ObamaCare requires the trustees to assume a steady decline in hospital reimbursement rates for both Medicare and Medicaid — to about 39 percent of what private insurance would pay in 2086.
Worse yet, the trustees must assume that physician reimbursements under Medicaid will drop to 55 percent of private health insurance by 2086, while physicians serving Medicare patients “would eventually fall to 26 percent of private health insurance levels.”
Try finding a doctor who will treat seniors for a quarter of what private health insurance pays; doctors are increasingly refusing to take new Medicare patients when Medicare pays about 80 percent of private insurance.
So that’s how President Obama can claim he has extended the life of the Medicare Trust Fund without reducing benefits. ObamaCare simply cuts hospital and physician reimbursements to ludicrously low levels — not just over a few years but for decades. No one actually believes those cuts will be implemented.
The Medicare Trust Fund is rapidly approaching the day that it can no longer deceive gullible liberals, because there will be no more worthless IOUs that they can claim are real. Now if we could only see the day when the Obama administration can no longer deceive gullible liberals.