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Thought the Speech Was Great

Colorado Springs Gazette

It is interesting to compare the "Yes" and "No" answers to the question "Was Trump's State of the Union speech successful?" posed in The Gazette's Pro/Con on the Opinion page, Sunday, Feb. 10.

In answering "No" to this question, Don Kusler uses all of the popular smear tactics to degrade the speech without giving a single example of why he was making such erroneous statements.

For example Kusler makes the statement, "Another clearly falsely part of the president's speech was the assault on truth through a series of blatant lies and moving on to a healthy dose of misrepresentation of fact."

I listened to the entire speech and heard no lies, let alone blatant lies and I heard no misrepresentation of fact let alone a healthy dose of misrepresentation of fact.

In answering "Yes" to the question, Merrill Matthews used examples and the results of polls to show that the vast majority of the people thought the speech was great.

It was the best SOTU speech that I have listened to in three decades. The speech made me proud to be an American. President Trump's stature was magnified even more after reading Kusler's attempt to smear this great SOTU speech.

Fred Nelson

Colorado Springs