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Why Democrats Should Worry ObamaCare Rollout Will Hurt Them In 2014

If Democrats aren’t worried about President Obama’s “Problems?  What problems?” response to the multiple glitches and snafus of his ObamaCare rollout, they should be. The public is deeply suspicious of the law and it wouldn’t take much to create an electoral backlash that could send dozens of incumbent Democrats home for good in November 2014.

We are being inundated daily with news stories highlighting the problems with, and those caused by, the legislation.  Obama has indirectly acknowledged these problems by postponing several elements of the legislation.

While it is possible that some of the kinks could be worked out shortly after rollout, it is just as possible that some, perhaps even most, of them will plague us for a year or more.  And the public will know who to blame if those problems persist.

Impeded access to doctors = rationing health care.  The U.S. already has a shortage of doctors.  Recent studies indicate that within seven years that shortage could rise to 45,000 primary care physicians.  Fewer doctors means it will be harder to see one in a timely manner.  The Affordable Care Act will make that problem much worse by greatly increasing the demand for doctors.

The ACA is supposed to insure an extra 30-plus million uninsured.  Health care utilization for the long-term uninsured initially spikes when they first get coverage.  The result will be some lengthy waiting times as more people chase fewer doctors.

You can just imagine all those middle-class Americans complaining about how they used to be able to get in to see their doctor—until ObamaCare kicked in.  And, of course, the waiting lines will drive up emergency room use.

Timely access to a doctor is a key component of what people see as a quality health care system.  Americans will likely see it as the government rationing care, even if it is just a result of supply and demand.

Higher costs means fewer votes. Obama once claimed ObamaCare would drive down health insurance premiums; officials now claim that with the subsidies most people will be paying less.  Don’t be too sure.

For example, National Journal just released its assessment of how ObamaCare will affect the individual market.  Two-thirds of workers with single coverage and 57 percent of workers with family coverage will see their costs go up in the exchange.  In addition, recent stories claim that some of the premiums are lower than expected because the copays and deductibles are so high.

Those forced to pay higher out-of-pocket costs, as well as higher premiums, will perceive that ObamaCare is hurting them financially and voters may well decide to return that pain on those who forced them to pay more.

Complexity = failure. ObamaCare is complex.  There are numerous rules about who qualifies for what subsidies and additional help.  The technology was supposed to handle much of the complexity, but we hear that many of the exchanges aren’t yet ready for prime time.  That complexity could frustrate a lot of people who may see it as a failure because they can’t figure it out.

The drawbacks to clawbacks. If you qualify for a subsidy based on your estimated 2014 income and then make more than you estimated, you will be required to pay back part of that subsidy at the end of the year.  And those who received too much subsidy may discover that problem during “open season” in 2014 when they begin considering their coverage for 2015.  That open season will start about three weeks before the November elections.  Those having to write the government a clawback check, which could easily be more than a thousand dollars, may want to engage in a little November clawback themselves.

Personal info becomes public info. A lot of people, government officials as well as non-government employees, will have access to your health information, income and other valuable data.  They could snoop or they could share it with others, even if by mistake—just look at recent incidents by the IRS and National Security Agency. We are likely to see a lot of security breaches—indeed, we already are.  Some will be intentional, some won’t.  But there will be a lot of them.

My own sense is the public feels vulnerable right now; ObamaCare will make that worse.

It could undermine Democrats’ faith in efficient big government. Everything Obama does is based on his faith in big government’s ability to do things right.  True, he has precious little evidence for his faith, which is why it’s “faith” and not fact.

While Obama has made it clear he would prefer a single-payer health care system—any big-government believer would—ObamaCare is close enough.  But if it crashes, it will undermine his and Democrats’ claims.  They will, of course, blame others for the failure—that has been the pattern for the last five years—but the public might not buy it, and likely wouldn’t because only Republicans have been raising the red flags trying to get the law repealed or delayed.  But that might be changing.

There are reports that some Democrats—e.g., Sens. Joe Manchin (WV), Mark Begich (AK), Mark Pryor (AR) and Mary Landrieu (LA)—may be having second thoughts.  They should.

Republicans are now pushing for a one-year delay in the law, which isn’t unreasonable given the president has unilaterally postponed several parts for a year, even though he has no legal authority to do so.

Perhaps one of those Democrats can lead the way by doing what Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell did during the last budget standoff when he called Vice President Joe Biden and asked if there wasn’t someone there who could make a deal.