The pundits all seemed to agree, up until about Friday morning, that Mitt Romney had South Carolina in his pocket. On Saturday, the conventional wisdom had a head-on collision with an unpredictable primary season. They also said that, with his money and massive media campaign, the Florida primary on January 31 was Romney’s to lose. Well, he may do just that.
Florida is not South Carolina, and those differences could play in Newt Gingrich’s favor. Indeed, the first poll after the South Carolina primary, Insider Advantage, has Gingrich up over Romney by 8 points (34 to 26).
As I argued last summer, the “jobs voters” are the most energized in this election. Florida, which was ground zero for the housing bust, still has a 10 percent unemployment rate. That’s 1.5 percentage points above the national rate of 8.5 percent, and slightly higher than South Carolina’s 9.9 percent.
However, those comparisons probably don’t convey the depth of economic dissatisfaction. Florida’s unemployment was at 12 percent only a year ago. The residual economic concern could turn voters away from the more moderate, “electable” Romney they seemed to be warming to only a week ago for someone offering a bold plan—and the Gingrich campaign has let it be known after South Carolina that they think “bold” is gold.
The second most important factor about the Florida vote is the seniors. Only four other states have an older population. Seniors, many with above-average assets, move to the Sunshine State—and they vote.
I’ve heard commentators argue that seniors would be attracted to Romney’s moderatism. Post-Iowa caucus interviews found that the older voters tended to favor Romney. It might also help that Romney appears to say he wants to keep Social Security pretty much the way it is. Seniors can get very nervous if they think someone is trying to change their benefits.
On the other hand, at 68 Gingrich is himself a spry, white-haired senior—just like so many of those Florida voters. He is mentally quick and lucid. And did I say bold? The point is that age can sometimes hurt a candidate if voters are looking for a young, fresh face. But in Florida having a little white hair might not hurt—and could even be an asset.
The third most important fact about Florida is its heavy Hispanic population. The media tend to assume Democrats have a lock on Hispanics—even publishing numerous stories about how they may save Obama in 2012. Not so fast. There are lots of differences among Hispanic populations. Puerto Ricans living on the mainland, for example, tend to vote Democratic; those of Cuban descent tend to vote Republican. But the largest Puerto Rican population is in New York. In swing-state Florida, Cubans outnumber Puerto Ricans by 400,000.
The heavy Hispanic presence in Florida may hurt Romney, who seemed to be eager to wear his tough-on-illegal-immigration stance on his sleeve. Romney and Rick Perry got into a verbal tussle during one of the debates, with Romney attacking Perry for allowing children of illegal immigrants to pay in-state college tuition—which is not a tax subsidy, just a lower tuition fee—while Perry attacked Romney for hiring a lawn service that apparently hired illegals. Let’s just say it wasn’t their proudest performance.
Gingrich, by contrast, has tried to rise above the bickering by proposing a way to help illegal immigrants become legal—not citizens—by setting up a guest worker program. As a result, the Somos Republicans, the largest Hispanic Republican group, recently endorsed Gingrich, who is doing the best job of articulating a positive tone and vision for immigration reform. That may help him in Florida.
Indeed, it may help him in the country: A new Rasmussen poll found that 58 percent of likely voters said they “continue to feel border security should be the main focus but also think it’s important to create a welcoming policy that excludes only threats to society.”
Finally, there is the Tea Party, which has had a major influence in Florida—so strong that it helped put a political unknown, Tea Party favorite Rick Scott, in as governor. While Tea Party members often express doubts about Gingrich and some of his past policy positions, most have even more doubts about Romney. Gingrich polled well with the Tea Party in South Carolina, he could do that again in Florida.
There are other factors that will have an impact. Florida has a strong evangelical base, and evangelicals rallied to Gingrich in South Carolina, though not in Iowa. It is also a closed-primary state. Only Republicans can vote for the candidate.
Romney still leads in national polls, and his South Carolina setback could force him to abandon his don’t-upset-the-applecart strategy. And Newt could slip again, as he did in Iowa. But the demographics in Florida, and with Ron Paul skipping the state, could hand Gingrich another victory toward a nomination fight that only gets more interesting—and unpredictable.
January 23, 2012