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You Know That New 3.8% Medicare Tax? Double It

For nearly three years Republicans have accused Democrats of double counting the new Medicare tax.  But it wasn’t the accounting that was doubled so much as the tax obligation.  What Democrats did was to effectively force Americans to pay the new Medicare tax twice: The wealthy pay it now and everyone will pay some portion of it later.

One of the many new taxes in President Obama’s health care bill now draining paychecks is the Medicare tax.  The current 2.9 percent Medicare payroll tax—split equally between employer and employee—is extracted from all wages.  ObamaCare increases that money grab on the employee by adding another 0.9 percent, a total of 3.8 percent, for individuals with annual incomes above 200,000 and families with incomes above $250,000.

But the law also imposes for the first time ever a 3.8 percent Medicare tax on passive, or unearned, income, such as capital gains and dividends, for people in that same tax bracket.

Those new taxes will be funneled to the Medicare Trust Fund.  That’s why Democrats, who hold the entire responsibility for this turkey—no blaming George W. Bush this time—claimed that they were shoring up Medicare for years to come.

But the government will borrow those new deposits, leave an IOU in the Trust Fund and then promptly spend the money—just as it has with the Social Security Trust Fund—perhaps on some worthless green energy project that may eventually embarrass the Obama administration.  That is, if it even can be embarrassed any more.

It’s that borrowing of the money and spending it elsewhere—essentially claiming the same dollar is in two places at once—that had Republicans accusing Democrats of double counting the funds.

But economist and former Social Security and Medicare Trust Fund trustee Tom Saving points out that what Democrats did wasn’t double counting so much as double taxation.  Here’s why.

Tax money deposited into the Trust Fund becomes an asset.  When the government borrows the money from Medicare, that action creates a liability that the federal government—i.e., taxpayers—will have to meet at some point in the future.  It’s an accounting function.  The asset and liability offset each other and the $16.4 trillion federal debt remains the same.

That is why Obama was wrong when he said at his last press conference about the debt limit, “If congressional Republicans refuse to pay America’s bills on time, Social Security checks, and veterans benefits will be delayed.”

Paying Social Security benefits does not affect the debt limit because the government will simply withdraw funds from the $2.7 trillion Social Security Trust Fund to pay the benefit.  And it will have to issue general debt for the same amount to cover the withdrawal.  The total debt remains the same.

When the president made the same assertion in the summer of 2011, as he and Congress faced the last federal debt-limit battle, Dr. Saving wrote in theWall Street Journal, “government redemption of the bonds in that [Social Security] trust fund does not breach the debt ceiling.”  He further explained, “By law the Treasury is bound to redeem any bonds presented to it by the Social Security Administration.  And when the Treasury does, total government debt subject to the debt limit falls by the amount of the redemption—thus freeing up the Treasury’s ability to issue new bonds equal in amount to the redeemed Trust Fund bonds.  Therefore, meeting Social Security obligations … would add nothing to the gross government debt subject to the debt limit.  Not, at least, until the $2.4 trillion Trust Fund is exhausted in 2038.”

Returning to the Medicare tax, high-income workers will pay the new tax, which will be deposited into the Medicare Trust Fund.  The government will borrow the money to spend on whatever it wants and issue Medicare an IOU, or “special bond.”

However, that IOU is actually a claim on future taxes because the money has been spent.  So while the wealthy paid the tax the first time, the American people will have to pay it again to cover the new obligation.  Thus the Medicare tax may be 3.8 percent on the “wealthy” today, but the public in general—including lots of middle-income people—will eventually have to cover that 3.8 percent again.

If you think this all sounds complicated and confusing, you’re right.  But that may have been one of the goals.  As long as the politicians can keep the public frustrated and confused, they can get away with almost anything.  Just as they are getting away with the accounting shenanigans they put in ObamaCare.