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Economic Scorecard

Publication Type 
March 1, 2000

Different This Time? High Tax Burden Could Help End this Boom, as it Did Last Time

IPI's quarterly review and commentary of economic data, this issue covering the 4th quarter of 1999. This issue focuses on comparing the current and now-longest economic expansion in history with the second-longest--the 1960s. The current recovery is compared with the 1960s by a number of criteria. The conclusion is that the current recovery, while longer, has still not packed the punch of the recovery of the 1960s. And the current tax burden, much higher than that of the 1960s, is one factor that could potentially sink this current economic expansion.
November 30, 1999

Same Song, Second Verse
Surplus Again Much Larger Than Expected —And Still No Tax Cuts

Economic analysis and commentary based on data from third quarter of 1999. Budget surpluses have again far exceeded the projections of government forecasters, and again, the federal government has failed to return even a portion of these excess taxes to the private sector, where productivity takes place. This issue also discusses revisions to the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) that reclassify computer equipment and government pensions.
August 15, 1999

Robbing Peter to Pay Uncle Sam - Budget Surpluses Have Come Almost Entirely Out of Personal Savings

A review of economic data and statistics from the 2nd Quarter of 1999.

February 15, 1999

Taking Growth for Granted - Decisions About Surplus Could Extend or Halt Recovery

Virtually all forecasters project federal budget surpluses as far as the eye can see. How to use these surpluses most effectively?

Total Records: 4