  • Freedom
  • Innovation
  • Growth


Publication Type 
March 8, 2016

Letter to New Hampshire Legislature Regarding Expanding Municipal Networks

Expanding municipal networks is not only unnecessary but potentially risky, It would enable local governments to expand outside of their appropriate sphere and into the illegitimate role of competing with the private sector.

December 10, 2015

Coalition Letter in Support of Permanent Internet Tax Freedom

Since 1998, the federal government has prohibited states and localities from imposing such taxes. This has helped Americans from all backgrounds gain access to the Internet. The economic and educational benefits of this policy are vast and immeasurable. It is long past time for Congress to make permanent the ban on Internet access taxes.

July 20, 2015

Coalition Letter Supporting Strong Protections for All Types of IP

A coalition of 85 organizations from 51 countries calls for global policymakers to bear serious consideration to the integral role that the IP rights of innovators, creators and entrepreneurs plays in economic, technological and cultural advancement.

July 15, 2015

Coalition Letter Urging Congress to Defend U.S. Interests from BEPS Tax Grab

Twenty free market and taxpayer advocacy organizations warn Congress about the dangers posed to U.S. interests and the global economy by the work of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS).

June 16, 2015

Coalition Letter Opposing Remote Transactions Parity Act

Like the failed Marketplace Fairness Act, this act would dismantle proper limits on state tax-collection authority while potentially causing serious damage to electronic and interstate commerce.

June 10, 2015

Coalition Letter to Congress in Support of TPA

TPA is a necessary step to get Congress moving on a long-stalled trade agenda.

April 6, 2015

Letter Urging Withdrawal of Funding to O.E.C.D

American taxpayers should not be asked to subsidize international organizations working against U.S. interests.

February 17, 2015

Coalition Letter to the CDC Regarding Access to Immunizations

Government bureaucrats should not block parental access to life-saving vaccinations.

February 10, 2015

We Need Tax Reform NOW

More than 70 organizations unite in the message of this coalition letter to send a powerful message to Congress that there is momentum around tax reform, and that it should become one of their very top priorities.

Total Records: 141