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November 27, 2017

GOP Waffling on Most Egregious Tax Increase on Americans - Obamacare's Individual Mandate

“And if both the premium and the penalty are considered a tax, the mandate becomes the largest tax increase in U.S. history. And that doesn't include all of the other taxes imposed by the legislation," reported Merrill Matthews in Forbes.

November 23, 2017

Trump Banishing Obama's Memos, Regulations

In less than a year, the Trump administration has dramatically scaled back government overreach, Merrill Matthews, a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation, told WND.

November 21, 2017

DOJ Suing to Stop Time Warner, Citing Lack of Pay-TV Competition

The Institute for Policy Innovation in a statement said the transaction "had been considered non-controversial by antitrust observers of all political persuasions." It said opponents of the deal likely don't have a markets or competitive basis and opposition instead is based on President Donald Trump's antipathy for CNN, with Justice "using the heavy hand of government to persecute those it doesn't like." If that's what's driving DOJ, it said, that would be "an ominous turn in the Trump administration."

November 20, 2017

DOJ Suing to Block AT&T-Time Warner Deal

In the first big merger review under the Trump Administration, the Justice Department has filed suit to block AT&T's $85 billion bid for Time Warner and its valuable programming assets.

November 3, 2017

Trump Twitter Takedown Brings More Grief for Silicon Valley

“Conservatives watch as almost every week accounts are punished for tweets that may be controversial but are not threatening, and we can tell this is happening because we have run afoul of a single employee’s discretion,” said Tom Giovanetti, president of the Institute for Policy Innovation, a free-market think tank, calling Thursday's incident significant.

October 20, 2017

West Wing Reads for 10/20/2017

Regarding healthcare, the Institute For Policy Innovation’s Merrill Matthews writes in The Wall Street Journal that President Trump’s recent executive order to “expand health-insurance options for individuals battered by exploding premiums and fleeing insurers” represents “progress” on health care, but says Congress still needs to act in order to give Americans relief from Obamacare.

October 12, 2017

With Sketchy Tax-Reform Details, Year-End Planning Could Be Challenging

If this proposal becomes law and more people go the standard-deduction route, it could simplify tax-return preparation for millions. A postcard-size tax return might have as few as 13 or 14 lines, according to the Institute for Policy Innovation, which supplied an illustration.

October 11, 2017

Trump's Healthcare Executive Order Could Destabilize Already Fragile Market

To be sure, the scope of Trump's executive order remains to be seen, and there are some who hold that concerns over insurance market bifurcation are overblown. "It's an overstated risk," said Merrill Matthews, resident scholar and health policy expert at the Institute for Policy Innovation. Most Americans get insurance through their employers, Medicare and Medicaid, and Obamacare enrollees who get generous subsidies may decide to stay there. "You're really only talking about the individual market," he said.

October 11, 2017

HPU Sumners Scholars Attend Lecture by FCC Chairman

Students from Howard Payne University's Guy D. Newman Honors Academy recently attended a public policy lecture through the Institute for Policy Innovation. Ajit Pai, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, spoke on the topic "Preserving a Free, Open and Innovative Internet."

October 2, 2017

Eagle Ford Output Rebounds After Harvey

Merrill Matthews, an analyst with the independent Institute for Policy Innovation, said while Harvey "was certainly a disruption event, the remarkable thing it wasn’t more disruptive," to energy markets.

Total Records: 531