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August 17, 2017

Saving Money and Budgeting How-To: Smart Financial Practices

One savings vehicle that just didn't get the job done was the government-sponsored myRA account. Existing alternatives to the myRA were superior because they allowed workers to invest in a variety of securities, while the myRA restricted investments to U.S. Treasuries," noted IPI in a commentary. "Treasuries are lousy retirement investments." 

August 10, 2017

Content Hostages: Best Cybersecurity Practices

What is piracy’s cost to the content community? Estimates vary widely but in the US they’ve seen numbers ranging from the $6.1 billion a year suggested by the MPAA and LEK Consulting to $20.5 billion annually in costs to the broader US economy, per a MPAA-commissioned study by the Institute for Policy Innovation in 2006.

August 9, 2017

Reviving Obamacare Repeal By Killing the Health Insurance Tax

Two weeks after efforts in the Senate to repeal Obamacare were thwarted by a few Republican senators, there is talk of another attempt at taking aim at what is officially called the Affordable Care Act.

August 2, 2017

Obamacare Policy Options: Repair or Wreck

While the Republican Party's healthcare proposals languish on Capitol Hill, Matthews says the Trump administration has a golden opportunity to broker a historic healthcare deal with Democratic lawmakers, as long as Donald Trump sits on the sidelines. "If Trump assigns cutting a deal to Mike Pence, he may be able to get it done. Trump seems too volatile."

August 1, 2017

United States Is Still World's Largest Oil and Natural Gas Producer; EIA Reports

Merrill Matthews Jr., Ph.D., a resident scholar at the Institute for Policy Innovation, credits two factors with driving U.S. energy dominance: property rights and technology.

July 21, 2017

If GOP Can't Repeal ACA, Market Stabilization Quick Fixes Are Possible, Observers Say

"Probably the best way to stabilize the markets is for states to shift to an invisible high-risk pool, as Alaska and Maine have done," Matthews said. "But it isn't entirely clear how well that works for larger states with multiple carriers. And it isn't clear Republicans will provide any money for that."

July 11, 2017

Agency to Drop Royalty Rates for US Gulf Lease Sale

In a Wall Street Journal opinion piece Sunday, Merrill Matthews of the conservative think tank Institute for Policy Innovation highlighted the differences in production and royalty rats between federal and state lands.

July 11, 2017

Price Transparency Is Critical to Drug Pricing Solutions

Prescription drug costs are a hot political issue, not as much because of the share of the U.S. health care dollar they consume but because consumers pay a larger share of their drug costs out of pocket than they do for other health care.

July 7, 2017

Ted Cruz & Mike Lee Have An Rx

To be clear, this is not the free-market approach that many of us would like, but neither the House nor the Senate has enough votes to return health insurance to a free market, said Merrill Matthews. What Cruz is trying to do is create a situation where the vast majority of people in the individual health-insurance market would have a wide range of affordable health-insurance options — just like they used to before Obamacare.”

July 5, 2017

If Lawmakers Had Stuck to Original ACA 'Repeal,' Bill Would be Law, Market Observers Say

If Republican lawmakers had stuck to their first strategy of immediately repealing the Affordable Care Act without worrying about a replacement that bill would probably be law by now, said Institute for Policy Innovation resident scholar Merrill Matthews.

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