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March 2, 2017


If Congress passes the Email Privacy Act and sends it to President Donald Trump, it could be an "quick, easy bipartisan victory" for taxpayers and get the new administration and lawmakers off to a "positive" start, said IPI President Tom Giovanetti in an opinion piece in TechCrunch Wednesday.

February 24, 2017

Why Most Patients Say 'Hell, No' to Obamacare

Wisconsin, a state that had a successful HRP (not all state HRPs worked) until Obamacare essentially shut it down, required insurers to chip in as well, according to Mark E. Litow, a retired health actuary who served on the board of the Wisconsin HRP, and Merrill Matthews, IPI resident scholar, writing for on February 16.

February 24, 2017

Experts Question GOP Approach to Pre-Existing Health Conditions

Only 200,000 people enrolled in the pools in part “because many HRPs did not offer financial assistance to lower-income participants, a few charged much higher premiums than Wisconsin, and because of some state-imposed limitations,” say Mark Litow, who was involved in Wisconsin’s risk pool, and Merrill Matthews, with IPI. “All of those problems are easily fixed,” they write in a RealClearHealth op-ed.

February 21, 2017

Conservative Think Tank Wants to Reduce US Prison Population - Here's How

The president of a Texas-based conservative think tank is speaking out against the high rate of incarceration in the United States, arguing that the annual cost to house inmates is not fiscally responsible and that the intended outcome is not the same as the actual result.

February 10, 2017

Trump's Court Battle in Perspective

“But the reason Obama was hit with so many more unanimous decisions was because he went rogue early on, asking his staff to look for novel theories that would allow him to move forward with implementing his agenda,” writes Merrill Matthews for Rare. “And if that meant twisting the Constitution—and basic logic—to get it, so what?”

February 10, 2017

H-1B Visa 'Impasse' Should Be 'Easiest' Immigration Problem to Fix, Says IPI Chief

The H-1B visa "impasse" should be the "easiest" of all the "controversial elements" of proposed immigration reform for Congress to fix, said Tom Giovanetti in a Thursday blog post.

February 8, 2017

Everything You Need to Know About the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Merrill Matthews recently called the CFPB the "most unaccountable organization in Washington ... an agency that neither the people’s elected representatives nor the president can control."

February 6, 2017

Email Privacy Act Could Pass As Early As Monday

IPI president Tom Giovanetti in a statement called it a "slam dunk" for President Donald Trump and Congress. "This legislation has nothing to do with preventing or prosecuting terrorism, but rather simply corrects lack of foresight in legislation passed 30 years ago, long before digital data became such a pervasive part of normal life," he said.

January 23, 2017

The Obama Economy: Three Shocking Numbers From Obama's Economic Legacy

While Obama promised America “hope and change” from a progressive left-of-center dogma, it was more of the “same ol’, same ‘ol” from an economic standpoint.

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