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July 20, 2016

GOP Platform Keeps to Well-Trodden Policy Grounds, Observers Say

"No one has any idea what the Trump campaign's positions are on communications policy," Giovanetti told us. "There's no evidence at this point that there is anything approaching a policy process on the Trump campaign -- which is part of why I thought the platform was more important in this peculiar year."

July 19, 2016

Hill Telecom Leaders Tout Trump Candidacy During GOP Convention

"We salute the Congressional Republicans who have legislatively impeded [Obama's] plans to turn over the Information Freedom Highway to regulators and tyrants," the platform said. It included language similar to what IPI recommended last week: "We will consistently support internet policies that allow people and private enterprise to thrive, without providing new and expanded government powers to tax and regulate so that the internet does not become the vehicle for a dramatic expansion of government power."

July 12, 2016

GOP Draft Platform Blasts Obama for Putting 'Survival' of Internet at Risk

Institute for Policy Innovation President Tom Giovanetti tweeted that the 2016 draft GOP platform's language on "protecting Internet from taxation and regulation is INADEQUATE" and proposed language that IPI would prefer.

July 5, 2016

Responding To Trump's Spasm of Protectionism

Donald Trump’s anti-free-trade bloviating of late might give the impression the whole party has lost its bearings on this economic issue. Fortunately, like so much else, Trump doesn’t talk for Republicans.

July 1, 2016

Scholar Debunks Trump's Trade Speech

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump’s trade policy speech this week was misleading on the actual state of U.S. trade, a scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation said in a Rare op-ed published on Friday.

June 28, 2016

The Tangled Politics of Trump's Speech Blasting "Globalization"

"Dear GOP delegates: You cannot nominate someone who endorses these positions," Tom Giovanetti, the president of a free market think tank, tweeted, adding, "Trump would turn the Republican Party into the party of economic know-nothings."

June 14, 2016

Brady Leads House Fight to Stop IRS Abuse and Protect Free Speech

The U.S. House of Representatives approved a Ways and Means Committee-led bill stopping the IRS from targeting donors to tax-exempt organizations. The measure, the Preventing IRS Abuse and Protecting Free Speech Act (H.R. 5053), passed 240-182.

June 7, 2016

Is Bipartisan Criminal Justice Reform Really A Possibility?

Is reform of our criminal justice system really possible given, the vast divide between Republicans and Democrats in Congress? One conservative joins me today to say "Yes!" and explains why.

May 25, 2016

How the Primary Candidates Would Reform Healthcare

"Donald Trump has released his health care plan after being pressured into doing so," Dr.nMerrill Matthews noted in Forbes in March. "He should have taken a little more time. Though six of his seven points—they aren't developed enough to be called proposals—are standard Republican fare, they are too vague and superficial to determine what Trumpcare would be like."

May 23, 2016

2016 Election: 5 Who Win Under Trump; 5 Who Win Under Clinton

Both parties’ front-runners in the race for the presidency say they’ll grow the economy, but their plans differ. So from your wallet’s point of view, who’s better for you?

Total Records: 531