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May 18, 2016

Healthcare Affordability Difficult for Marketplace Consumers

"It’s a fair question as to how long health insurers can continue to provide the cost-sharing discounts unreimbursed," said IPI's Dr. Merrill Matthews. 

May 6, 2016

Obama Off The Rails On Economy

While Obama can talk the bark off a banyan tree, he cannot make Americans hallucinate prosperity. Obama is the only U.S. chief executivein history not to preside over even one year with 3 percent GDP growth, as the Institute for Policy Innovation’s Tom Giovanetti observes.

April 28, 2016

House Approves Email Privacy Act 419-0, Drawing Tech Industry Praise

By a 419-0 vote, the House approved the Email Privacy Act (HR-699), which would protect the content of people's emails and electronic communications (see 1604260014). Approval of the measure, which updates part of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) of 1986, was hailed by privacy and technology associations, which said ECPA lagged behind the rapid advancement of technologies such as cloud computing.

April 13, 2016

Will Conservatives Unite Around A Nominee?

"I think there will be some significant number who identify as Republicans who will be grousing pretty seriously," said Michael Barone during a luncheon at the Renaissance Hotel on Wednesday, featured speaker for the Institute for Policy Innovation.

April 10, 2016

Netflix Disappears from MPAA's "Legal" Movie Search Engine

“Instead of scrolling first through Netflix and then through your cable video on demand offerings, is a one-stop shop to see what options are available to you to get to the specific movie or TV show you’re looking for," said IPI. 

April 4, 2016

Popular HSA Plans Face An Obamacare Death Sentence

Merrill Matthews, a longtime HSA supporter, said the “qualified health plan” rules issued by the administration in early 2013 were “great news” and that HSA plans could end up being the favorite option in ObamaCare exchanges. Now it appears as though the administration has succeeded in quietly killing off HSAs, at least in the individual market.

March 25, 2016

Price of Admission

Howard’s president, Dr. Wayne A.I. Frederick, and the board want to sell the spectrum used by WHUT. There has been increasing demand for these invisible waves by cable and mobile phone providers. Tom Giovanetti, president of the Institute for Policy Innovation, noted on RealClearTechnology, “Spectrum is the most unappreciated and underrated of our natural resources. In economic terms, spectrum is particularly scarce, since there is an absolutely fixed amount of spectrum available.”

March 22, 2016

Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders Are Winning the Fundraising Race

"The notion that you go in with a plurality, therefore you deserve the nomination is just flat wrong", said Merrill Matthews, who is a resident scholar at the Institute for Policy Innovation in Dallas.

March 21, 2016

Creative Content Hits Back at Internet Australia on Internet Piracy, Site Blocking

Creative Content Australia Executive Director Lori Flekser cites Tom Giovanetti, who said: “Patronising suggestions that creators should 'innovate' away their problems is an unhelpful contribution adding nothing to discourse about solutions to piracy…  Content owners ARE innovating. They also want their product protected against massive theft. It’s not a matter of either/or—it’s a matter of both/and.”

March 21, 2016

Donald Trump Faces The Real Possibility Of A Brokered Convention, Kasich Thinks He'll Get the Nod Over His Rival

If the business tycoon gets the most votes and delegates out of all Republican presidential candidates, he may still get stripped off the possible nomination by way of a brokered convention. “The notion that you go in with a plurality, therefore you deserve the nomination is just flat wrong,” said Merrill Matthews, IPI resident scholar.

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