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March 20, 2016

History Suggests Brokered Convention Will Doom Donald Trump

Trump insists that the convention will have to pick him if he has more delegates than any other hopeful but short of the 1,237 majority needed to win on the first ballot. “The notion that you go in with a plurality, therefore you deserve the nomination is just flat wrong,” said Merrill Matthews, resident scholar at the Dallas-based think tank Institute for Policy Innovation.

March 9, 2016

Donald Trump Releases Health Care Reform Plan

The outline of his health plan is so thin that you can't really make any assessments of what it would do, because it wouldn't do much at all, said IPI's Merrill Matthews. 

March 4, 2016

In The Tank Podcast: Civil Asset Forfeiture, Growth in Regulatory Paperwork, and Film Subsidies

Featured this week is a report by the Institute for Policy Innovation titled “Civil Asset Forfeiture and the Constitution.” The report explains what civil asset forfeiture is, why its dangerous, and what specific parts of the Constitution it infringes upon.

March 3, 2016

Mitt Romney Attacks Donald Trump During University of Utah Speech

"I'm a content guy, " said IPI president Tom Giovanetti on Twitter. "Content of Romney speech excellent. Wrong messenger? Possibly. Will it work? Probably not."

March 3, 2016

Here's What Donald Trump's Health Care Plan Means for the Economy -- and Your Wallet

In true Trump fashion, this isn't exactly a magnum opus of policy wonkery. "The outline of his health plan is nothing more than an outline that is so thin that you can't really make any assessments of what it would do, because from the outline, it wouldn't do much at all," said Merrill Matthews, IPI resident scholar.

March 1, 2016

Should Payers Question ACA's Health Insurance Exchanges?

The leaders of major health insurer Aetna show one example of the type of questioning that remains with the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchanges.


February 23, 2016

Healthcare Spending on Brand Name Drugs Grew 8% in 2014

Despite the rise in healthcare spending among consumers around the nation, health payers and providers are partnering to create solutions that emphasize quality performance and lower costs.


February 19, 2016

Granting Government 'Mandates' To Unlock iPhones Opens 'Pandora's Box,' Shapiro Says in Apple's Defense

The Institute for Policy Innovation also took Apple's side. "It's a sad state of affairs when Americans have to rely on private companies to protect our constitutional rights against the government, but apparently that's where we are," said President Tom Giovanetti in a Thursday blog post. "That's why I commend Tim Cook of Apple for his strong statement opposing the FBI's overly broad demand for the creation of a tool that would allow them to break encryption on any iPhone in the world," Giovanetti said of the Apple CEO.

February 13, 2016

Internet Tax Freedom Forever Act Passes Congress

Congress has voted to permanently bar state and local governments from taxing access to the Internet. For 17 years, the ban on Internet taxes has benefited millions of Americans by empowering them to conduct transactions on the Internet free from the fear of additional tax burdens. "This is a tremendous victory for America's Internet economy, and for all of us who participate in this economy", said Institute for Policy Innovation president Tom Giovanetti.

February 12, 2016

Senate Passes Customs Bill With PITFA Intact

Passage of PITFA as part of HR-644 now "intensifies" S-698 opponents' push to "stave off the attempt" to pass that bill, said IPI president Tom Giovanetti in a statement. S-698 "has never had committee scrutiny on the Senate side and [has] never been subject to amendment on the floor." Senate Republican leaders "must commit to first submitting this legislation to the same procedures, hearings and scrutiny appropriate to any and all legislation, especially since this proposal has serious Constitutional questions," Giovanetti said.

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