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January 29, 2015

Rand Paul's Libertarian Foreign Policy Has GOP Rivals Comparing Him to Obama

The war hawks paint anyone who isn’t a John McCain-style war hawk as an isolationist,” said Merrill Matthews. “That’s pure crap, but the hawks get away with it.”

January 28, 2015

Obamacare Will Cost $50,000 for Each Newly Insured American

"Patient access to doctors is approaching a perfect storm of decreased physician supply, more demand for medical care, and doctors increasingly refusing to see low-paying Medicare or Medicaid patients,” explains Merrill Mathews, PhD, a healthcare policy expert at the Institute for Policy Innovation. “If the ‘promise’ of Obamacare’s access to health-care is to be kept, government will eventually have to force doctors to accept Obamacare-covered patients.”

January 22, 2015

Free Music Isn't Such A Bargain After All

On the surface, the idea of free music is great, but the future of the art form depends on how many people will continue to pay for it. Here’s why: Music piracy has cost the recording industry more than 70,000 jobs and $2 billion in lost wages to American workers. According to the Institute for Policy Innovation, piracy equals $12.5 billion in losses to the economy every year.

December 30, 2014

Leaked Slides Show Sony's Worry About Piracy in the Movie Business

The leaked slides offer a glimpse into what big-time movie studios are thinking when it comes to their competition. According to a study by the Institute for Policy Innovation, film piracy was costing the U.S. economy $20.5 billion annually.

December 11, 2014

Adelson's RAWA Failed to Make it to Lame Duck Session despite Republican Majority Win

Contrary to expectations held by the Adelson group, the Coalition to Stop Internet Gambling (CSIG) and even those who believed that crony capitalism will prevail, Congress decided not to include RAWA in the remaining days of the lame duck session.

December 9, 2014

Terror Insurance Tiff Threat to Spending Bill - and the Super Bowl

Under the terms of TRIA, if a certified terrorist attack exceeds $100 million, the law kicks in, with private insurers repaying taxpayers on the first $27.5 million of damages, Tom Giovanetti, president of the Institute for Policy Innovation, wrote in Forbes.

December 5, 2014

House Approves Tax Bill Extending PTC Only Through End of 2014

Wind advocates have faced a vocal block of opponents. "Bipartisan forces want to revive the wind PTC because they benefit financially from it," IPI resident scholar Merrill Matthews said. "But thanks to the U.S. energy boom from fossil fuel production, energy for electric power generation is both abundant and affordable - and cleaner than ever."

December 1, 2014

Avast! Musicians, Artists and Actors Hurt by Acts of Online Piracy

Aaccording to the Institute for Policy Innovation, about $17 billion and 70,000 jobs are lost every year due to piracy, which is definitely a factor causing our poor economy.

November 29, 2014

These Two States Cut Medicaid ... And Saved Money

Illinois and Pennsylvania were the two case studies the IPI used to illustrate Medicaid reform.

Total Records: 531