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July 17, 2014

New Studies Set Sights On Trade Equity

As tensions escalate in hotspots around the globe, libertarians rightly remind us that it is trade, the freest trade, that brings peace and prosperity between global adversaries.

July 11, 2014

North Charleston mayor joins wildlife, environmental groups in supporting offshore wind power

North Charleston Mayor Keith Summey joined environmental groups in calling for the government to take a leadership role in promoting offshore wind power.

June 27, 2014

Is streaming technology saving the music industry?

When digital downloads took off in the late Nineties, file-sharing services blossomed, too. The industry went into a tailspin as music sales virtually halved over the next decade. One 2007 study by IPI estimated that illegal downloading was costing the US economy $12.5bn a year.

June 19, 2014

PITFA Moves to House Floor After Judiciary Markup Some Committee Members Seek MFA Review

If the moratorium were "allowed to expire, states would begin to collect taxes on Internet access, or apply other discriminatory taxes that may already be in place but which have been held at bay during the moratorium," said IPI's Bartlett Cleland.

June 18, 2014

More Failed Votes Won't Fix America's Crony Sugar Market

Unilateral disarmament in America is rightly a non-starter in Congress, and if it’s a free market that we really want, zero-for-zero is the most achievable path forward.

June 10, 2014

State Telecom Activities

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn signed HB-2453 into law Friday, letting Chicago increase its monthly 911 charges on wireline, wireless and prepaid cellphones.  The measure, which took effect immediately, has come under attack from free-market groups like the Institute for Policy Innovation, which said the increase could produce more than 911 needs and be used for other purposes like bolstering the city's pension fund.

June 3, 2014

Worried about Inequality? Then Focus on Helping the Poor, not Punishing the Rich

Merrill Matthews of the Institute for Policy Innovation makes a powerful case for Social Security reform.

May 28, 2014

Consumers may find themselves searching more networks for medical care than ever before

States are wrestling with one of the key aspects of ObamaCare: keeping premiums low. But that also meant consumers had fewer providers to choose from, since the doctors needed to be willing to accept lower reimbursements.

May 21, 2014

How ObamaCare customers could end up with a big tax bill

Fox News Chief national correspondent Jim Angle tells how Obamacare customers may end up with a big tax bill from Uncle Sam.

May 19, 2014

America becoming a nation of pirates

Entertainment. This country is enthralled with it to the point of breaking the law.

Total Records: 531