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April 19, 2014

Roadblock to Health Care Reform

The 2009 GOP health care proposal was a modest plan that made incremental improvements to the health care system in America at that time, said Merrill Matthews. He thought that, while flawed, the proposal could form the foundation for a new proposal now.

April 8, 2014

Global Warming Activist James Hansen Says Nuclear Is the Answer

Matthews says environmental activists who seek substantial carbon dioxide reductions while opposing nuclear power are dreaming. He notes excess regulation deters the construction of new nuclear power plants and makes construction and operation more expensive.

March 31, 2014

Abundant Energy Supply Strangled by Environmentally Driven Regulations

Energy experts believe that the Obama administration slows or prevents drilling on federal lands by delaying and denying permits. Consequently, production on federal lands fell 23 percent since 2007. According to the Institute for Policy Innovation, the federal government owns 28 percent of U.S. land, 62 percent in Alaska and 47 percent in 11 western states.

March 30, 2014

US Now World's Top Energy Producer

According to the Institute for Policy Innovation, the federal government owns 28 percent of U.S. land, including 62 percent of Alaska and 47 percent of 11 Western states. 

Total Records: 531