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March 12, 2014

Keep the Web Free of New Taxes and Regulations

Governments at the state, federal and global levels must recognize a decentralized and self-governed Internet is the best way to encourage more innovation and opportunity on the Web.

March 6, 2014

U.S. IPR Protection Insistence May Derail TPP Talks, Critics Say

Strong protection of IPR is critical to boosting U.S. exports through its free-trade agreements. Speaking at a Cato trade conference, panelist Tom Giovanetti stated, "The largest silo of U.S. exports are the core IP industries." 

March 2, 2014

Will MyRAs Succeed Where Others Have Failed?

What are MyRAs and are they likely to be any more successful than existing retirement vehicles in encouraging more people, particularly at the lower end of the income scale, to save for retirement?

February 20, 2014

The Minimum Wage Hike (Likely) Cometh, But Destruction Isn't Certain

"Even if the current minimum wage increase proposals don't affect your company, it sets a bad precedent," said Merrill Matthews. "A government that feels justified in raising the minimum wage high enough to hurt some companies may soon feel justified in raising it high enough to affect your company."

February 17, 2014

EPA rule for Indian Country Tossed Out

The EPA overstepped its bounds when it attempted to override Oklahoma’s air quality compliance plan. Merrill Matthews says the case is symptomatic of the federal government’s addiction to regulatory overreach.

February 7, 2014


The FCC and Chairman Tom Wheeler need to do nothing immediately in the wake of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit's Jan. 14 decision rejecting the agency's 2010 net neutrality rules, said IPI's Tom Giovanetti

January 31, 2014

Opinion: Though cheap, piracy hurts artists

One study by the Institute for Policy Innovation estimates that the total piracy loss to the sound recording industries from global piracy is about $5.333 billion.

January 28, 2014

Senate GOP adopts Merrill Matthews' principles for plan to replace Obamacare

Republican senators released their proposal to repeal and replace Obamacare yesterday, and it is right on target. The plan, for which the senators personally credited and thanked the author, incorporates nine of the 10 reform points suggested by Merrill Matthews’ piece for Human Events published Monday

January 22, 2014

LAMBRO: Obama's sequestration alarmism was dead wrong

President Obama's bogus promises are legendary, but perhaps you've forgotten his "sky is falling" forecast about the sequester. Tom Giovanetti points out the economy added about 1 million new jobs over the period during which the sequester was supposed to cost 750,000 jobs.

Total Records: 531