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January 22, 2014

Sequester Budget Cuts Helped, Not Harmed, The Economy

President Obama's bogus promises are legendary, but perhaps you've forgotten his "sky is falling" forecast about the sequester. Tom Giovanetti points out the economy added about 1 million new jobs over the period during which the sequester was supposed to cost 750,000 jobs.

January 19, 2014

Jobless rate masks troubles

Merrill Matthews tells reporter Michael Kanell a larger workforce itself adds to the economy's potential. 

January 16, 2014

House Passes Bill to Expedite Energy Production on Federal Lands

Merrill Matthews said Obama claims credit for increasing oil and natural gas production while working to thwart it. “His energy ‘successes’ [amount to] putting a happy face on a dysfunctional and damaging effort,” he said.

January 9, 2014

Republicans Get Painful News on Brand Problem

“A growing number of conservatives, and especially tea partyers and libertarian-leaning Americans, have decided that their commitment is more to ideology than political party,” said Merrill Matthews of IPI. “And while they will likely vote Republican in most elections, they have become dissatisfied with the Republican label because they don’t think it stands for — or too often strays from — principled conservatism.”

January 6, 2014

Other Comments: The Empire Strikes Back

After years of watching companies flee the country, the UK has begun aggressively reforming its corporate tax code. Meanwhile, the 40% U.S. corporate tax rate remains the highest in the world.

January 1, 2014

White House hoping for positive ObamaCare headlines in 2014

IPI's Merrill Matthews appears on Fox News Channel's Special Report discussing ObamaCare's unprecedented expansion of Medicaid in 2014 and the new chaos that is the U.S. health care system.

December 27, 2013

The Obamacare Cuts That May Force You to Cut Ties with Your Doctor

Fox News reporter Jim Angle says those who sign up for private insurance on the health care exchanges may have a nasty surprise.

December 26, 2013

The doctor won't see you? Analysts warn ObamaCare plans could resemble Medicaid

As thousands enroll for coverage beginning Jan. 1, analysts are warning that the plans are likely to give them access to fewer doctors and hospitals. So much so, they warn, that the system could begin to resemble Medicaid, the health care program for low-income Americans.

December 16, 2013

LETTER: Matthews is right on

To the editor: IPI Resident Scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews is right on with his criticism of Greenpeace’s ridiculous Santa Claus video.

December 11, 2013

Flaws in Obamacare helping impede Medicaid efforts

Doctors participating in Oklahoma's Medicaid plan — and all other states' Medicaid plans — face another problem, as pointed out by Dr. Merrill Matthews: Doctors who accept Medicaid patients could face a 24 percent cut in reimbursements beginning Jan. 1 — all thanks to Obamacare.

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