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December 3, 2013

Physician Plots Escape From 'Obamacare Noose'

IPI's Matthews noted Obamacare's expected 24 percent cut in Medicaid reimbursements coming Jan. 1. That issue has reared its head repeatedly, and each time Congress has stepped in to fix it by spending more money, but that can’t continue forever, he said.

November 21, 2013

Taxpayers Foot The Bill For Study Supporting New Internet Sales Taxes

In addition to the new paper, the SBA Office of Advocacy has begun a social media campaign to promote both the paper and Internet sales taxes. IPI even found a list of suggested Twitter tweets that the Office of Advocacy wrote for supporters to use to promote the flawed report.

November 21, 2013

Abbott's Privacy Rights Proposals Draw Attention

Attorney General Greg Abbott is pushing for more stringent privacy laws, looking to give Texans more control over personal information like DNA details. IPI's Bartlett Cleland said Abbott's proposals would help reduce the government’s power over personal information but disagreed with the method, saying an opt-in system would be the better option.

November 16, 2013

LNG export would be good for Maryland

Liquid natural gas exports could generate 9,500 jobs in Maryland alone by 2035 and increase state wages.

November 13, 2013

Study: Fracking Cuts Energy Costs, Raises Living Standards

Merrill Matthews says both taxpayers and tax collectors benefit from fracking and, ironically, it is the increased use of natural gas in power generation plants that has reduced our energy-related carbon dioxide emissions to near 1990 levels.

November 6, 2013

Life better or worse for high-risk patients under ObamaCare?

Merrill Matthews tells reporter Jim Angle patients in the high-risk pools will be shifted over to health insurance, raising premiums for everyone.

November 1, 2013

National Academies of Science Study: Fracking Captures 99 Percent of Methane

Merrill Matthews says new fracking technologies allow energy producers to provide more affordable electricity while simultaneously reducing pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions.

October 30, 2013

Bipartisan House Bill Attempts To Limit FDA's HIT Oversight

A bipartisan House bill introduced Oct. 22 aims to clarify FDA's authority over health information technology. Joel White of Health IT Now praised the bill during an IPI event, saying it created a "bright line" that made it clear that apps like health information technology management tools were beyond FDA's purview.

October 28, 2013

Comcast exec: Cable operators may deploy 500,000 Wi-Fi hotspots

It is no secret that U.S. cable TV operators are  jumping into Wi-Fi big time, and one industry executive is forecasting they could collectively deploy and run half a million Wi-Fi hotspots in the near future. The prediction came from David Don, Comcast's executive director-regulatory and public affairs, at the IPI Communications Summit.

October 25, 2013

500,000 WiFi Sites on Cable's Agenda

Cable operators collectively could run at least 500,000 WiFi hotspots nationwide in the very near future, according to David Don, Comcast’s executive director-regulatory and public affairs at the fifth annual Institute for Policy Innovation Communications (IPI) Summit  in Washington.

Total Records: 531