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October 24, 2013

Industry Seeks Certainty on Spectrum Auction Plans from Incoming FCC Chairman

Obama's nominee for FCC Chairman, Tom Wheeler, should provide industry participants with greater certainty as to how the commission will structure its upcoming spectrum incentive auction, lawyers representing carriers and broadcasters said at an event hosted by the Institute for Policy Innovation.

October 24, 2013

John Boehner's critics want to show him the door

House Speaker John Boehner's public image has been badly tarnished. It's mostly been by his own doing.

October 23, 2013

IPI panel highlights bipartisan support for wireless service tax reform

Online sales tax reform may get all the attention, but there is another complex network of Internet-centric taxes that backers of reform say should be re-examined as well.

October 23, 2013

Speakers: Restrictions on Verizon, AT&T Would Complicate Incentive Auction

The FCC’s imposition of bidding restrictions on Verizon Wireless and AT&T, Inc., in its incentive auction would further complicate what is expected to already be the world’s most complex spectrum sale, several speakers said today at the Institute for Policy Innovation’s annual Communications Summit in Washington.

October 23, 2013

Cable, Industry Notes

Increasing the amount of unlicensed spectrum available for Wi-Fi use is "a major policy objective" for Comcast, said Executive Director-Regulatory and Public Affairs David Don at the Institute for Policy Innovation's Communications Policy Summit Tuesday.

October 23, 2013

Moratorium on Internet Access Tax Should Become Permanent, Say CTIA, Coalition

A moratorium on taxation of Internet access should become permanent, said CTIA and the Internet Tax Freedom Act Coalition.

October 23, 2013

Success of Incentive Auction Not Guaranteed, Say Speakers at IPI Conference

Broadcast lawyer John Hane warned that the incentive auction could fail if the FCC doesn't get things right. "There are many, many, many paths to failure and only a fairly narrow set of paths to success," said Hane of Pillsbury Winthrop during a panel at an Institute for Policy Innovation conference.

October 17, 2013

Healthcare Reform for Your Facebook Friends

Merrill Matthews sits down with The Freeman to explain what Obamacare is, isn't, might fix, and might make worse.

October 11, 2013

Grand Theft Audio? Rapper Wants GTA 5 Recalled for Stolen Beats

Daz Dillinger said the top-selling but controversial video game “Grand Theft Auto Five” includes his songs and lyrics without permission. Theft of digital music costs recording artists an estimated $12.5 billion annually, according to an IPI study.

October 4, 2013

The Wendy Davis Store: Open for Business

Wendy Davis has thrown her hat into the gubernatorial ring. IPI's Tom Giovanetti predicts that the Democratic darling will lose — but Republicans might get bloodied in the battle as well, unless Abbott beats her handily. If Davis loses by anything less than 10 percent, Democrats will be able to spin it as a victory of sorts, Giovanetti says — and they’ll be right.

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