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October 1, 2013

ObamaCare: Day One

New Yorkers are supposed to be some of ObamaCare’s few winners — but for how long?Merrill Matthews, a resident scholar at the Institute for Policy Innovation, predicted a “death spiral” in which the rates rise over the next several years, leading healthy people to drop their coverage while “very sick” people “stay in until the very last drop,” forcing rates up even more.

September 30, 2013

Experts fear ObamaCare rate 'spiral'

New Yorkers will pay less than they used to for individual health insurance under ObamaCare — but they better not get used to it, because steep increases are on the way and the choice of doctors will be limited, critics warn. Merrill Matthews at the Institute for Policy Innovation predicted a “death spiral” in which the rates rise over the next several years, leading healthy people to drop their coverage while “very sick” people “stay in until the very last drop,” forcing rates up even more.

September 26, 2013

Baum on Money: Showdown, Shutdown, Putdown

It's T minus six and counting to the government shutdown. The Institute for Policy Innovation put together some fun facts about federal government shutdowns.

September 18, 2013

Republicans Put Forward Obamacare Replacement

Republicans put forward a new alternative to Obamacare on Wednesday that seeks to expand coverage, increase the options for buying insurance, and equalize the tax treatment of insurance bought on the individual market. Merrill Matthews at the Institute for Policy Innovation said some parts of the bill are a good idea, while others will not have much of an impact.

September 18, 2013

Abbott's Opposition to Airline Merger Baffles Conservatives

Greg Abbott has managed what no one expected: He’s got conservatives bristling. The Texas attorney general has joined with Eric Holder in opposing the merger of American Airlines and U.S. Airways.

August 30, 2013

The truth about wages: Obama's economy

The left and “progressives” love to blame wage stagnation on greedy businesses wanting to gobble a larger share of the pie. But it's actually a product of businesses' uncertainty about taxes, regulations and employee-benefit costs — which the Obama administration has exacerbated.

August 28, 2013

Ending Republican Blunders Over ObamaCare

Leading scholars on the right, such as John Goodman of the National Center for Policy Analysis, Peter Ferrara of the Heartland Institute and Merrill Mathews of the Institute for Policy Innovation, have been working for years to try to get the Republicans thinking and acting correctly about health care reform.

August 16, 2013

New Ground: ALEC Conference Moves Forward on CDA, Considers Health IT, Data Privacy

ALEC wants to provide ideas of how legislators can act next, said task force private-sector Chairman Bartlett Cleland, IPI policy counsel. "It is critically important for the future of healthcare that state legislators start understanding what they can do and start to act, so we can drive down healthcare costs and get healthcare to more people."

July 29, 2013

ALEC to Consider Cybersecurity Principles, NAAG Opposition, at Chicago Meeting

The American Legislative Exchange Council will look at draft model legislation restricting warrantless cellphone tracking. "From the private sector, one thing we enjoy is a round of 'future think,'" IPI's Bartlett Cleland said, cautioning against focusing on the "tyranny of the immediate."

July 22, 2013

Spotify analysis uncovers post-festival rise in music piracy

Research from Spotify has claimed that although the festival season increases demand for artists’ music, it leads to a rise in its acquisition through unauthorised channels.

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