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March 8, 2012

Music Piracy Is a Real Crime

by Institute for Policy Innovation

Many people consider music piracy to be nothing but downloading music "for free." What they may not full understand that is that downloading a song or album off the Web without paying for it is a crime, reports the Detroit Free Press.

March 6, 2012

Labor Unions Get Lion's Share of Final ACA Waivers

The Obama administration released a final list of waivers from the costly mandates of President Obama’s health care law—a list including an overwhelming number of union members, reports Loren Heal of the Heartland Institute.

March 1, 2012

Head in the Cloud

by Institute for Policy Innovation

Politico's Morning Tech reports on IPI's 4th annual Communications Summit. "The public debate about cloud computing is over," Dan Burton, an executive with, said at an IPI policy summit Wednesday. "Everyone agrees that the government has to go to the cloud."

March 1, 2012

Wireless Carriers Will Need Government Spectrum for Broadband Use, Executives Say

by Institute for Policy Innovation

Bloomberg's Paul Barbagallo reports from IPI's 4th annual Communications Summit that industry experts say wireless carriers need more spectrum than the estimated 60 MHz to 120 MHz that will be reclaimed from television broadcasters under the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act.

February 29, 2012

Capitol Hill

by Institute for Policy Innovation

Adam Bender of Communications Daily reports on the latest on a retransmission consent system from IPI's 4th annual Communications Summit.

February 29, 2012

Spectrum Allocation Proves to Be Uphill Battle

by Institute for Policy Innovation

Katie Ardmore of Communications Daily reports that the quest to solve the spectrum crunch is far from over, according to industry experts at IPI's 4th annual Communications Summit.

February 29, 2012

Spectrum auctions said to be just a 'down payment'

by Institute for Policy Innovation

Politico's Eliza Krigman reports from IPI's 4th annual Communications Summit that incentive auctions authorized by the spectrum deal are “a down payment” in terms of what the U.S. needs in terms of access to airwaves.

February 29, 2012

Wireless Industry Already Looking Ahead for More Spectrum

by Institute for Policy Innovation

National Journal's Juliana Gruenwald reports that wireless-industry officials urge policymakers to start looking for other sources of spectrum.

February 12, 2012

Suspect Set to Plead Guilty in Fort Worth Counterfeit Movie and Music Case

by Institute for Policy Innovation

The Ft. Worth Star Telegram's Dianna Hunt cites IPI's study regarding the economic impact of counterfeit goods on the local economy.

February 10, 2012

Contraception Coverage Compromise Could Raise Costs

In this article published by FoxBusiness Dr. Merrill Matthews explains how administrative fees are likely to rise under the Obama administration’s compromise plan: since religious employers will not be held responsible for their employees’ contraception coverage the burden is shifted to the insurers.

Total Records: 531