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August 30, 2022

Democrats' Increasing Disregard for Democracy

Progressive Democrats complain about threats to democracy. And yet, they are willing to disregard the democratic process if that’s what it takes to get their way. Biden’s half-trillion-dollar student loan “forgiveness” overreach is the latest and most egregious example.

August 24, 2022

Government Programs Have Become One Big Fraud-Fest

How much of America’s $30.7 trillion national debt is a result of fraud? A lot, and it’s growing exponentially.

August 16, 2022

Do Democrats See Us as a Nation of Tax Cheats?

The same people who have repeatedly claimed there is no election fraud think that large swaths of the public, especially high-income Americans and corporations, are not just avoiding taxes but cheating the government out of hundreds of billions of dollars in federal income tax obligations.

August 12, 2022

Let's Not Swim Upstream in Our Transition to Renewables

If transition advocates won’t acknowledge the problems we’ve experienced with renewables and provide balanced, logical and actionable solutions, we are right to question their motives and assertions of a smooth transition.

August 9, 2022

For Drug Companies, No Life-Saving Deed Goes Unpunished

We’ll never know what new drugs might have been developed but won’t be under the Democrats’ price controls.

August 2, 2022

Europe Faces the Russian Version of the Arab Oil Embargo

The EU is enduring the Russian version of the Arab oil embargo, in large part because it spurned multiple warnings over several years that Russia could and would use Europe’s energy dependence against 

July 29, 2022

Biden's Radical SEC Agenda Uses Agency to Mandate Climate Change Regulation

Mandating climate change regulation is part of radical SEC agenda under Biden.

July 28, 2022

Democrats' Bad Drug Deal

It's understandable that Democrats want to accomplish something—anything—ahead of the midterm elections. But this plan won't just cost taxpayers and patients more money. It could cost them their lives.

July 26, 2022

Primaries Are Exposing the Lie of 'Voter Suppression'

Democrats and much of the media attacked states that passed election-integrity laws, making outrageous accusations. And yet it looks like voter turnout underperformed in the blue states making the accusations.

July 19, 2022

Trump Shouldn't Run Again--Here Are 4 Reasons Why

While Democrats may be stuck with Biden, Republicans are not stuck with Trump. He may not be willing to move on with his life, but Republicans should be with theirs.

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