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November 2, 2021

Biden's Policies Are Creating Jobs--For Robots

There has been a long-running concern that robots will eventually take the jobs humans could and wanted to do. It may turn out that in the Biden era, robots are simply taking the jobs humans choose not to take. 

October 26, 2021

The Real Reason Biden Is Going to the COP26 Climate Summit

Biden is going to the climate summit in part because he clearly cares about the environment, as we all should. But he has other reasons for going, many of which are more political than environmental.

October 19, 2021

Why It's Time for Conservatives to Accept the 2020 Election Results and Move On

Donald Trump has never been able to prove the 2020 presidential election was stolen. And while it may be impossible to prove it wasn’t stolen either, there are several reasons for conservatives to accept the results and move on.

October 13, 2021

Democrats Explained: Mandaters Gonna Mandate

These days the Democrats’ mandate list is long—and growing longer. But their embrace of mandates isn’t new.

September 29, 2021

Democrats' Plan to Tax the Poor

If you are a cigarette smoker, you are likely a low-income, poorly educated member of a minority community—and the Democrats want to raise your taxes.

September 28, 2021

The DC Swamp is Back--and It's Swampier Than Ever

The solution to this problem is simple to understand, though difficult to implement: If you want to drain the swamp, first drain big government. 

September 17, 2021

Vaccines Are the Future of Health Care

by Merrill Matthews, Robert Popovian

Future vaccines may be our best preventive medicine option for long-feared diseases. They may even become the preferred treatment option. Let’s hope they won’t be as politicized as the COVID-19 vaccines have, become because the least effective vaccine is the one a person refuses to take.

September 8, 2021

Biden's Domestic Policy Failures Are Mounting, Too

It’s not just the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Many of President Biden’s domestic policy efforts have become a mismanaged mess. 

August 24, 2021

Joe Biden: Republicans' Secret Weapon for Retaking Congress

President Biden’s job performance is making him the most serious political threat to Democrats’ election chances in 2022. It’s almost as if Biden is a GOP secret weapon, ensuring that Republicans retake control of the House and Senate.

August 20, 2021

Seniors on Medicare Are the Last People Who Should Have to Pay for Basic Vaccines

The COVID-19 vaccine is free, but many seniors still have to pay for many basic vaccines.

Total Records: 930