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January 27, 2020

Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertising Benefits Companies, but Patients Even More

Advertising is a way companies convey important information to consumers about products that may help them. The return on investment isn't just to drug companies, it's to people who act on that important medical information.

January 14, 2020

The Carbon Credit Scheme: Greenhouse Gas Credits Don't Help the Environment--Or Consumers

To stay in business, car manufacturers have to please consumers—not the government. And consumers still want gas-powered cars.

January 10, 2020

The Blue-State Exodus Gains Momentum

It was only a matter of time before both businesses and individuals began voting with their feet. And that time has apparently come. 

December 21, 2019

Are Fossil Fuels an Ethical Investment?

America has become the world’s leading energy producer. That fact has improved both our lives and our economy. Investing in the companies that make prosperity and national security possible isn’t just ethical, it’s commendable.

December 17, 2019

It's Time to Hit the Off Switch for Solar, Wind Power Tax Breaks

The stated reason for initially subsidizing wind and solar power was so they could reach economies of scale where they could be competitive with fossil fuels. Frequent news stories seem to imply “mission accomplished.”

November 19, 2019

Why is Texas Acting Like a Blue State and Trying to Stop T-Mobile-Sprint Merger?

Texas should be leading the fight to increase competition in the wireless space, not acting as a roadblock to the will of the free market.

November 1, 2019

An Easy Way to Reduce Wealth Inequality--But Democrats Won't Like It

Allowing workers to keep their Social Security payroll tax would be a huge tax cut for everyone, while dramatically increasing average workers’ wealth over time.

October 22, 2019

Got A College Debt Problem? Social Security Could Solve It.

Young Americans owe the federal government, which also owes them. And neither can easily meet their obligations. Sounds like the makings of a deal to me.

October 21, 2019

Trump Orders Worthy Improvements in Medicare

Medicare open enrollment began last week and continues through Dec. 7. It’s an opportunity for seniors to ask what they want out of Medicare and choose an option moving them toward that goal. But those options could change significantly in the near future, for the better — or for the worse.

October 15, 2019

ALS Patient Chooses Suicide in Canada's Single-Payer Paradise

In single-payer systems, patients receive neither high quality nor comprehensive health care, nor are they alleviated from having to self-pay for the treatment they need. And although single-payer proponents won’t say it, euthanasia is a grim reality of socialized medicine. 

Total Records: 930