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March 26, 2018

Call It the 'Omni-Bust' Spending Bill

Members of Congress refer to their just-passed government-funding legislation as the “omnibus spending bill.” But “omni-bust” would better describe it, because it reveals all the ways Congress is busted.

March 21, 2018

Congress Should Not Give Facebook A Free Pass On Net Neutrality

Recent experience suggests that it is non-ISPs like Twitter and Facebook that are the real threat to openness.

March 14, 2018

Gasoline - Not Corn Alcohol - Belongs In Our Fuel Tanks

The RFS is the latest phase in Congress's decades-long support for the ethanol industry. The problem is that support has outlived its usefulness.

March 12, 2018

A Time to Choose On Net Neutrality

Democrats in Congress are working feverishly to restore the Obama rules by abusing a device called the “Congressional Review Act.”

February 21, 2018

How Republicans Can Ensure Great Health Care Coverage

Republicans took a huge step by ending ObamaCare’s onerous mandate. But the freedom from having to buy expensive, government-approved coverage doesn’t mean consumers have the freedom to buy what they want and need.

February 16, 2018

Dallas Is Right to Wait to Regulate Bike Share

The city must resist the call for an enormous new investment of taxpayer dollars to facilitate these private entrepreneurial ventures.

February 15, 2018

Time to Rethink the Renewable Fuel Standard

If ever a federal program had outlived its usefulness, it’s the government’s support for ethanol.

February 14, 2018

Public Pensions Are Bad for Employees but Such Fun for Bureaucrats

The politicization, cronyism and bureaucracy of public pension management is a recipe for disaster.

February 7, 2018

SOTU: Trump Hit A Grand Slam and Touched All Bases

By virtually any traditional measure -- as well as a few nontraditional measures -- President Donald Trump's first State of the Union (SOTU) address was a great success. Let us count the ways.

January 25, 2018

The Republican Tax Reform Is Achieving Democratic Goals

Why are Democrats so critical of the Republican tax reform? It is rapidly achieving many of the Democrats’ economic goals.

Total Records: 930