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November 22, 2017

FCC: Stand Strong and Implement Sound Internet Policy

The Federal Communications Commission just released its plan to restore internet freedom, which will bring back the historical light-touch framework that for twenty years instilled regulatory certainty and propelled over a trillion dollars in investments in better broadband services for consumers.

November 21, 2017

Car Buyers Lose When Government Tells Them What to Buy

Normally, a manufacturer would eliminate such a poor-selling product. What gives? Government mandates and taxpayer dollars, that’s what.

November 14, 2017

Taking Back Renewable Energy's Taxpayer-Funded Honeypot

Governments shouldn’t be in the business of picking winners and losers. Companies need to compete without taxpayer subsidies, letting consumers determine which companies — and industries — thrive and which don’t survive.

November 9, 2017

Pay for Tax Reform by Ending ObamaCare Insurance Mandate

A strong economy — not government mandates and penalties — is the best way to increase the number of people with private health insurance.

November 6, 2017

When Obamacare Costs More Than Leasing A Rolls-Royce

Thanks to ObamaCare, a family health insurance policy bought on the health insurance exchange can cost the same or more than leasing a 2017 Bentley, Aston Martin, McLaren or even a Rolls-Royce. 

November 3, 2017

Perry's Plans to Revive Coal Would Kill Aspirations for a Free Market

Perry's proposal would put the government's thumb on the scale for coal. When the Trump administration decides it wants to help coal, or any other industry, it's already on the path to the same kinds of crony capitalism it criticized from the Obama administration. 

November 2, 2017

On Corporate Taxes: Repatriate, But Don't Dictate

by Wayne Stoltenberg

Congress should cut corporate taxes. But the economy as a whole would be better off if lawmakers let individual firms, not distant bureaucrats, decide how best to deploy repatriated profits.

October 27, 2017

Democrats Dig for Russian Connection and Uncover Environmentalists

When you dig a hole you sometimes run across things you wish had remained buried.

October 19, 2017

The Limits of Trump's Health-Care Order

Give President Trump an A for effort with his latest executive order, which tries to expand health-insurance options for individuals battered by exploding premiums and fleeing insurers. 

September 28, 2017

US Energy Is Surviving Hurricane Season Unscathed

The hurricanes have undoubtedly been devastating, but they proved that the energy sector is strong — and getting stronger.

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