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July 7, 2017

More Competition And Perhaps Lower Prices Coming To The Drug Industry

Trump administration officials have drafted a presidential executive order intended to address the cost of and access to prescription drugs.  That’s good news, because the left plans to make drug costs and access one of its major political bludgeons.

June 28, 2017

How US Natural Gas Will Help Countries Meet Their Paris Commitments

As countries try to reduce their carbon emissions in accord with their Paris agreement commitments, transitioning to natural gas power generation may be one of their first steps. 

June 23, 2017

GOP May Sacrifice Individual Health Insurance For Broader Reforms

It may be the GOP is willing to sacrifice the individual market in order to achieve the bill’s other important reforms. The risk is that premiums continue to rise and insurers flee and Democrats, the media and maybe even the public say the Republicans’ “free market” approach didn’t work, so let’s move on to a government-run, single-payer health care system.

June 2, 2017

The News Only Gets Worse for Obamacare and Democrats

It is becoming extremely difficult to disguise or defend the Affordable Care Act's collapsing individual health insurance marketplace, but that isn't keeping the left from trying. ObamaCare defenders now claim that premiums are rising because Trump won't guarantee to pay insurers certain subsidies for covering low-income people.

May 24, 2017

Senate Deserves Right of Refusal on Paris Agreement

The decision on whether to remain in the Paris Agreement should lie with the Senate, which is empowered by the Constitution to ratify treaties.

May 23, 2017

Texas Leaders Are Failing to Pursue Conservative Principles, And The Thwarted Sale of Oncor Is A Perfect Example

In yet another legislative cycle, Texas voters have sent a substantial cadre of conservative legislators to Austin, and yet again, anything resembling a free-market agenda has barely budged.

May 19, 2017

Republican Reform of Healthcare Would Be Good For Texans

The AHCA's provisions will lead to lower health insurance premiums while protecting people with preexisting conditions. And should Texas take advantage of the AHCA’s opt-out provision, we could see the return of a functioning individual health insurance market, where individuals have a wide range of affordable coverage options.

May 17, 2017

FCC Chairman Correct to Take on 'Net Neutrality' Rules

Mr. Pai’s approach will ensure America’s digital economy continues to thrive.

May 10, 2017

Renewable Fuel Standard Should Be 'Fired' By Trump

While it might have seemed reasonable in the 1970s to transition to ethanol, advances in drilling and environmental assessments have disclosed numerous problems. Maybe President Trump will, like a number of other policies, reconsider the economics and the science and say to the ethanol industry: You’re fired.

May 5, 2017

Federal Oil and Gas Leases Could Boost Government Revenue

President Trump recently proposed opening up more federal land and offshore for oil and natural gas exploration. That’s good news.

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