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May 2, 2017

Next Agency To Be Put On A Leash: OSHA

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration's rule-making often wreaks havoc on businesses.

April 27, 2017

Get Ready for Fake News From Tech Giants About Broadband Regulatory Reform

It’s going to be very difficult for opponents of reversing Title II to make sound legal arguments against the reset, since they spent years making the case that the FCC had precisely the authority to reclassify broadband as it saw fit.

April 17, 2017

Raising Taxes Won't Stop Climate Change, But Will Slow Economic Growth

The country needs policies that help it become more competitive, not less so. Lowering the tax burden, not raising it with a carbon tax, is the best way to achieve that goal.

April 5, 2017

Are Countries with Trade Surpluses Economically Stronger?

If the president's goal is to increase U.S. manufacturing so that Americans are buying fewer foreign products and foreigners are buying more U.S.-made products, there is a right and wrong way to do it. And imposing import tariffs is the wrong way.

March 31, 2017

Freedom Caucus Likely Saved GOP From A Huge Embarrassment

If the AHCA plan were to become law with the guaranteed issue provision, most insurers would continue their exodus from the individual market or exchanges.

March 17, 2017

How the Texas Legislature Can Solve the Bathroom Bill Dilemma Without Using the Words 'Bathroom' Or 'Transgender'

The state of Texas has a compelling interest in protecting its residents against municipal actions that erode economic and social freedom, including municipal do-gooders. The legislature should craft alternate legislation that is at the same time broader and better than the well-intended but wrongly targeted bathroom bill.  

March 17, 2017

Federal Oil And Gas Leases Could Pay For The Republican Health Plan

Republicans need a new revenue stream to pay for their health care bill, and expanded oil and gas exploration could provide much, and perhaps most, of that funding.

March 9, 2017

Scott Pruitt Will Have to Change EPA Policies - And Culture

Scott Pruitt may face the biggest challenge of all of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet appointments because the EPA is dedicated to a cause rather than the public.

March 8, 2017

Will the Republican Replace Plan Sink Into A 'Death Spiral'?

Guaranteed issue is a strange policy to include when the goal is to make health insurance more affordable and accessible.

March 7, 2017

A California Single-Payer Health Care Plan Would Be Great - For Texas

Passing a single-payer law wouldn't only create a fiscal crisis in California, it might create a political crisis.

Total Records: 930