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November 9, 2016

U.S. Carbon Emissions Down to 1991 Levels

The U.S. Energy Information Administration recently announced that energy-related carbon emissions for the first six months of this year are down to their lowest level since 1991.

October 31, 2016

Factchecking Obama's Recent Bogus Obamacare Claims

A look at some of the false Obamacare claims President Obama recently made in a speech to students at Miami Dade College. 

October 25, 2016

Native Americans Condemn the Dakota Pipeline, the Law Doesn't

Raising concerns about threats to Indian historic sites is simply a tactic the Left is using to achieve its larger goal: ending the use of fossil fuels. It successfully employed similar tactics when fighting the Keystone XL pipeline.

October 6, 2016

Dissing Anthem Hurts Sports, Insults Most Fans

Have the national anthem protests carried out by athletes been good for democracy?

September 30, 2016

Trump's 4 Percent Economic Growth Should Be the Norm, Not the Exception

The only reason Donald Trump’s goal of 4 percent annual economic growth seems so high is that economic growth under the Obama administration has been so low.

September 23, 2016

The Left's Secret Ploy to Subsidize Obamacare for Illegal Immigrants

In pushing through Obamacare, President Obama initially agreed that illegals would not have access to taxpayer subsidies. That was only a ruse to get the law passed. Now the left is moving forward with its real agenda.

September 22, 2016

Transparently Hypocritical at the FCC and Public Knowledge

The FCC is slated to vote on a controversial set top box proposal by Chairman Wheeler that no one outside the FCC has seen.

September 16, 2016

Blame Government for Ford's Decision to Move Small Car Production to Mexico

When companies are confronted with politicians who impose onerous mandates and penalties as well as the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world something's got to give.

September 14, 2016

UN Panel Blames Capitalism, Property Rights for Lack of Access to Medicines in Poor Nations

The mandate of the UN's High Level Panel on Access to Medicines assumed that patent rights are "incoherent" with access to medicines, which is a demonstrably false assumption. That's why the recommendations of the report, released today, would be harmful to public health rather than helpful.

September 9, 2016

Remember the Obamacare "Death Panel"? Hillary Clinton Wants to Bring It Back

The term “death panel” may seem like an exaggeration, until you are one of those who’s denied the life-saving drugs you need.

Total Records: 930