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July 29, 2016

Actually, We May Have Two of the Least Qualified Presidential Candidates In History

When you balance the “qualifiers” with the “disqualifiers,” it isn’t clear that either candidate is really qualified, much less “the most qualified.” 

July 25, 2016

Abbott's Police Protection Act Is A Well-Intentioned Slippery Slope

If the goal is to increase penalties, then the Legislature can simply increase penalties. The hate crime designation is unnecessary.

July 22, 2016

The Democratic Convention Will Be a Buffet of Vote-Buying and Phony Promises

This year’s convention is set to be a four-day effort to buy votes with taxpayer and employer money.

July 20, 2016

Democrats' Energy Platform Completely Out of Touch With Reality

This month’s Democratic convention will be a hotbed of anti-fossil fuel vitriol. The policy platform, invited speakers, and nominee herself all support a war against oil and natural gas.

July 19, 2016

The Growing Threat Of Domestic Lone Wolf Terrorist Attacks

ISIS-inspired terrorists are increasingly targeting civilians. Here's why.

July 15, 2016

The Left’s "Public Option: Is Simply Medicaid For All

It’s baaack! The “public option”—the government-run health insurance program that Democrats really wanted when they jammed through the Affordable Care Act—has been revived.

July 15, 2016

Democrats' Vision On Fossil Fuels Is Pure Fantasy

If Democrats are successful in their attempt to crush domestic oil and gas, Americans won't switch to renewables; they'll just be forced to buy traditional energy from abroad, including from Russia, Venezuela, and Iran, financially fueling those countries' political mischief.

July 12, 2016

You Won't Believe How Much Federal Debt Obama Will Leave His Successor

Sometimes being an overachiever isn't a good thing. 

July 9, 2016

San Francisco's Tech Tax Is Not A Solution to Homelessness

If higher taxes were the cure for homelessness, California — and San Francisco, in particular — would have solved its homeless problem years ago. 

July 8, 2016

Obama Has Faced More Unanimous Supreme Court Smackdowns Than Any Other President

While Clinton’s administration lost 31 Supreme Court cases unanimously and George W. Bush’s administration lost 30, Obama has bested both of their records by nearly 50 percent: 44 unanimous losses. 

Total Records: 930