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June 14, 2016

How Obamacare Built A Socialist Wall To Keep People In

The Obama administration says too many people are choosing non-approved health insurance alternatives to Obamacare, which is a problem because socialism doesn’t work unless everyone is locked in the system and can’t escape.

June 11, 2016

Obama and Clinton Attack the Middle Class

If Obama and Clinton actually worried about the middle class, they would drop their plans and get the government out of the business of choosing energy winners and losers. Because the ultimate losers will be the middle class.

June 10, 2016

Paul Ryan's Anti-Poverty Plan Will Help The Poor, But The Welfare Lobby Will Fight It

The biggest resistance to adopting a “workfare” system isn’t from welfare recipients, but from bureaucrats and the welfare lobby who benefit from keeping the poor dependent on government.

June 6, 2016

Broken School Finance System Is An Opportunity for School Choice

As broken as education funding in Texas is, school choice is poised to be the carrot legislators need to make substantive changes to the current system.

June 6, 2016

The Swiss Said No To A Guaranteed Income - Conservatives Should Too

The Swiss rejected a guaranteed basic income, and the U.S.—and especially conservatives—should do so too.

June 6, 2016

President Obama Asked Us To Fact-Check His Recent Economic Speech, So We Did

He tells a good story about his economic policies—perhaps because no one else will.

June 2, 2016

Even the IRS Tried to Warn That Obamacare Was Lawless

Time and again the Obama administration has decided to do things it knew it had no statutory or constitutional authority to do.

June 2, 2016

Conservatives Should Celebrate Obama's Commutations

As people who prize liberty and individual rights, and who are skeptical about government power, conservatives need to do a rethink on criminal justice.

May 31, 2016

These Federal Agencies Spend More Than Most States' Entire GDPs

When a federal agency’s budget is almost the size of New York’s whole economy, we have created a financially unsustainable monster.

May 27, 2016

Our Soldiers Face the Enemy and Then They Face the VA

Instead of the VA becoming more like the private system, thanks to Obamacare the private system is becoming more like the VA.

Total Records: 930