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May 24, 2016

Trending Topic: Let the Market Work

If customer feedback leads Facebook to design a more robust and transparent system that ensures fairness to all its users, that is a market success, not a market failure. Let’s let it play out.

May 23, 2016

The Margin By Which Military Troops Prefer Trump to Clinton Is Massive

You’d think the military would be more favorable to a former secretary of the State Department—unless her performance at State is precisely why the troops refuse to support her.

May 20, 2016

Obama's Plan To Benefit Overtime Employees By Spending More Of Other People's Money

Once again, President Obama has shown how generous he can be with other people’s money. Usually he’s dishing out taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars, but this time it’s coming from employers—an estimated $12 billion over 10 years.

May 18, 2016

Obama's Oil Tax Raises Taxes On The Middle Class - Again

Why does this president keep making life harder for middle class families?

May 16, 2016

The Courts Just Handed President Obama A Huge Loss on Obamacare

The judiciary just slapped Obama down again. This time, it had to do with the Affordable Care Act’s subsidies to health insurers.

May 12, 2016

Hillary Clinton Takes Another Big Step Toward Single-Payer Healthcare

Clinton has decided to dust off an old Al Gore proposal from the late 1990s: let the “near-elderly” buy into the Medicare program.

May 6, 2016

Lots of Conservatives Share Paul Ryan's Trump Doubts

Ryan’s concerns, and others like him, are not about “hurt feelings,” as so many pundits seem to think. They wonder where’s the commitment to liberty, the Constitution, limited government and free market principles that have long been at the core of the conservative cause.

May 6, 2016

Ride Sharing Is Win-Win-Win For Passengers, Drivers And Cities

Austinites have the opportunity to overturn the city’s mistake and begin unraveling Austin’s protection racket with the taxi industry with Proposition 1.

May 4, 2016

The Obama Administration Has A Boneheaded Plan To Put Convicts Back To Work

The White House thinks employers who won’t hire ex-convicts for $15,000 a year will jump at the chance to pay them $25,000 a year, plus another $4,000 or so for their Obamacare coverage.

April 29, 2016

Under Obamacare, Government Is About To Start Dictating The Care You Receive

Now Dr. Government can cut your doctor’s compensation for using an unfavored new drug or other therapy, and increase that compensation for using a less effective but government-favored drug or therapy.

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