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April 28, 2016

The Obama Administration Reneges On Offshore Drilling

The Obama administration’s decision to reverse course and withdraw a proposal to allow oil and natural gas drilling off the southeast Atlantic coast is more about the president’s future than the country’s.

April 22, 2016

Celebrate Earth Day By Protecting The Planet - And Taxpayers

As America celebrates Earth Day, it might be a good time to recall just how much Obama’s desire for a green legacy is costing taxpayers.

April 19, 2016

The Government Says Obamacare Is Making Insurance More Affordable. It's Not.

To hear Obama spinmeisters tell it, Obamacare is doing GREAT! But the companies that actually provide the insurance for Obamacare tell a different story.

April 15, 2016

The Fuzzy Accounting Behind Renewable Energy's Falling Prices

Before wind and solar advocates boast about how affordable their preferred energy sources have become, they need to factor in the massive taxpayer largesse propping up the renewable industry. After accounting for both sides of the ledger, anyone can see that renewables cost far more than they save.

April 12, 2016

A Conservatives' Guide To A Contested GOP Convention

Ted Cruz's strong victory in Wisconsin last Tuesday and Colorado on Saturday means the GOP is one step closer to a contested convention. For conservatives not steeped in Republican convention protocol, here's what you need to know.

April 8, 2016

Tax Avoidance Is Patriotic

Tax avoidance is not a global problem. It’s a tool for fighting big-spending liberals.

April 1, 2016

Why Are Prescription Drugs So Expensive? Blame A Lack of Competition

There are four reasons why prescription drugs have become so pricey.

March 30, 2016

San Jose Paper's Howler: Jerry Brown Is Notoriously Frugal

Jerry Brown is frugal — "notoriously" so — in making productive resources of people who want to work available to California's employers. No wonder Dr. Merrill Matthews at the Institute for Policy Innovation is so pleased for his home state of Texas today.

March 27, 2016

Obamacare Turns Six Years Old, Still Gets A Big Fat F

The Affordable Care Act has turned six and not one of President Obama’s vaunted promises has come true—not one.

March 25, 2016

SCOTUS Nominee A Predictable Liberal

What the president was subtly alluding to in his carefully worded statement is that Garland is a moderate liberal, not an ideologue, and thus hinting at the possibility that Garland just might be a liberal “swing vote.” That’s a justice who occasionally crosses over to vote with the opposing ideological side. Don’t hold your breath. 

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