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January 29, 2016

Climate Alarmists Manipulate Data to Make 2015 Hottest Year on Record

A new paper is explaining why NOAA’s conclusions about 2015 are too hot.

January 26, 2016

Fact-Checking Obama On Obamacare

President Obama took to praising his health care law in his weekly radio address, but most of his claims are misleading if not downright false.

January 22, 2016

Why Bernie Sanders Epitomizes the New Democratic Party

The Democratic Party of 2016 is much more aligned with Sanders than Clinton.

January 20, 2016

I Wasted $20 On A Child's Book About Hillary

I found the book on the biography shelf of the children’s section at the bookstore. But the tone is so glowing, and so many important facts about Hillary’s life are left out, that it might have been a better fit in the religion section.

January 15, 2016

Let's Hope Obama Cures Cancer Better Than He Fixed The Health Care System

President Obama took a few minutes in his State of the Union Address to propose the U.S. embark on a “moonshot” effort to cure cancer. But his comments reveal a real ignorance about the cancer challenge.

January 11, 2016

Record Number Of Americans Think The Obama Government Is Corrupt

Obama promised to usher in a new appreciation for big government, but his policies, lack of transparency, and obvious deceptions have turned the public very negative.

January 8, 2016

Is Hillary Clinton A Socialist or Even A Communist?

Change just a few words in the communists’ platform and you have the Democratic presidential campaigns.

January 6, 2016

The Corn-Fed Albatross Called Ethanol

The renewable fuel has cost drivers an extra $83 billion to fill their tanks since 2007, and it does little or no good for the climate.

January 5, 2016

A Republican President's Executive Order Could Undermine Obamacare

An executive order isn’t the best way to topple Obamacare, but Obama has used that tactic so many times that it will be very hard for future presidents to reject it when an executive order could be used effectively.

January 1, 2016

Big Policy Reforms Republican Candidates Should Embrace in 2016

With the possible exception of tax reform, very few conservatives will accuse the GOP presidential candidates of bold policy proposals. So maybe the candidates could use some suggestions.

Total Records: 930