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December 30, 2015

Hillary Wants to Cure Alzheimer's While Attacking Companies That Could Actually Cure It

If Clinton is serious about finding a cure for Alzheimer’s, she will need those same drug companies she habitually denigrates.

December 21, 2015

'Twas the Week Before Christmas:

As Ryan the new Chief, and Nancy the shill,
Agreed they would stick us with a huge spending bill.

December 18, 2015

ObamaCare Becomes Unaffordable As It Shifts Costs To Patients

If you think you've never spent so much for health insurance since ObamaCare made health care "affordable," you're right.

December 18, 2015

Five Numbers That Should Terrify Democrats

These five numbers—60, 57, 68, 57 and 46—could doom any Democratic presidential candidate, regardless of who the Republicans nominate.

December 15, 2015

Hillary Clinton Thinks Snubbing the Constitution Is Patriotic

If you thought the end of the Obama presidency would see a return to the constitutional framework under which Congress writes the laws and the president signs and enforces them, think again. Hillary Clinton now says that if she’s elected president and Congress doesn’t bow to her whims, it would be her patriotic duty to bypass the legislative branch.

December 11, 2015

Could Santa's Workshop Survive Obama's Anti-Business Regulations?

It’s a good thing Santa’s workshop is based at the North Pole and not in the U.S. His toy factory might not survive Washington’s anti-business regulatory aggression—especially over the past seven years.

December 9, 2015

Wouldn't It Be Great If We Could Make Obama Live Under the Same Laws We Do?

While millions of lower-income Americans will be struggling to find a job or get enough hours to pay the bills, Obama won’t have to worry when he's out of office. 

December 7, 2015

Patent Trolls: Fraudsters Make Easy Money Due To American Law

The need for patent reform is not a new issue, but a recent ruling provides a perfect example of all that is wrong with our current system. 

December 4, 2015

President Obama Is Dead Wrong

Before Obama sets a narrative that the U.S. is xenophobic, the public might benefit from a few facts on immigration.

December 3, 2015

Real Reason Governors Are Rejecting Syrian Refugees

President Barack Obama is once again faced with a problem of his own creation. After all, when you sow disgust you reap mistrust.

Total Records: 930