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November 3, 2015

You Can't Believe China's Government Data

For all its pretense to want to join the developed countries as an economic equal, China has never learned the lesson that competition, transparency and the rule of law lay the foundation for prosperous economies — and good business relations.

November 2, 2015

Huge Obamacare Premium Hike Could Cost Hillary Clinton The Election

Dsigruntled voters struggling to pay Obamacare’s exploding premiums or seeing their policies canceled could make the difference in Hillary Clinton's needed swing states.

October 29, 2015

A Tech Revolution Is Quietly Taking Place In Healthcare

While policymakers, and the country, struggle over challenges facing and created by the Affordable Care Act, real healthcare reform is happening almost completely outside of that loop, driven by technology and innovators.

October 26, 2015

Good Luck Trying To Figure Out What Ben Carson's Health Care Plan Is

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson is doing well in the polls despite the fact that he frequently comes up with half-thought-out policy proposals. The latest example is his health care reform plan.

October 23, 2015

How Three Texas Counties Are Battling Income Inequality and Winning

The primary issue for 2016 Democratic presidential candidates appears to be economic inequality—both income and wealth. They have two solutions: raise the minimum wage and redistribute wealth. The far better solution, both for individuals and the economy, would be to let lower-income workers create and accumulate wealth.

October 16, 2015

Here's The Single Best Way To Counter Iran Without Going to War

With sanctions relief from the nuclear agreement, Iran will be trying to produce and sell even more oil. In that case, the least the president could do is let the U.S. compete against Iranian exports, perhaps mitigating Iran’s efforts to fund its political mischief.

October 16, 2015

A Viable, Affordable Alternative To Obamacare

This costs much less than Obamacare—at least if you do not qualify for, or refuse to accept, a federal subsidy to help pay the premiums.  If you take this route, you would have the satisfaction of politely telling Obama what he can do with his health insurance mandate.

October 16, 2015

Reduce Trade Deficit by Ending Crude Oil Export Ban

Removing the ban on U.S. crude oil exports is one sure way to dramatically lower the balance of trade deficit for years to come.

October 15, 2015

Assisted-Suicide Laws Lower the Overall Quality of American Medicine

There is widespread concern that embracing physician-assisted suicide will change the culture of medicine and the nature of the doctor-patient relationship, as well as undermine the country’s longstanding value for the sanctity of life. Before more states take such a step, they should strongly weigh several questions.

October 12, 2015

Flawed By Design

The next juicy target for “patent trolls” is ripening. Design patents have become increasingly attractive as a new target.

Total Records: 930