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August 24, 2015

Here Come the Obamacare Price Control Police

We have passed Phase 1 and are in the midst of Phase 2: beginning the process of imposing price controls—in this case, trying to get state insurance commissioners to lean on health insurers that are seeking significant premium increases.

August 21, 2015

How Liberals Are Giving Your Job To Robots

Robots are getting cheaper, while low-skilled human workers are getting more expensive. Thank innovative engineers for the first development, and liberals for the second.

August 20, 2015

Is There Hope For Democracy In The Middle East?

Is the only way to control historic rivalries in the Middle East for a despot, whether elected or not, to keep a heavy hand on the population? 

August 14, 2015

Clinton's College Reform Plan Gets A Big Fat F

There are so many problems with her plan it’s hard to know where to start grading.

August 12, 2015

Busted: The Liberal Claim You're Too Stupid To Make Health Care Decisions

A new report claims that Americans are becoming better consumers in the health care marketplace.

August 12, 2015

How Hard Would It Be For Trump To Run As A Third Party Candidate?

Running as a viable independent or third-party presidential candidate isn’t easy but it’s doable—if you have enough money and a wide network of supporters. And Donald Trump has both.

August 10, 2015

Democrats and Environmentalists Want Higher Royalties for Drilling on Federal Lands

If drilling on federal lands is such a financial windfall for oil and gas producers, then why has that drilling declined since Barack Obama became president?

August 7, 2015

IRS: If You Like Your Religious Liberty You Can Keep It -- For Now

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen says that, as far as the IRS is concerned, the First Amendment guarantee of religious freedom is not threatened by the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, which requires states to recognize same-sex marriages. But for how long?

August 3, 2015

My Wife's Losing Her Obamacare Coverage Because The Insurer Lost $400 Million

If you ask President Obama how Obamacare is going, he will say awesome, couldn’t be better. But how about asking 367,000 Texans who are having their health insurance coverage eliminated because the insurer lost $400 million on that group in 2014.

July 31, 2015

Medicare Turns 50--Here's Why People Still Love It But Hate Obamacare

Unlike Obamacare, Medicare was bipartisan, targeted and an improvement. It has hit 50 largely unchanged—at least for seniors—from its original form. Obamacare is unlikely to make 10 without significant changes—if it survives at all.

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