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July 28, 2015

Medicare's Birthday: A Failed Centralized Program Turns 50

by Merrill Matthews, Grace-Marie Turner

On this 50th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid, as our nation struggles with its latest effort at health reform, it's a good time to reflect on the programs' successes and failures.

July 28, 2015

Planned Parenthood May Walk A Thin Legal Line, But Do Its Practices Stand Up To Ethical Scrutiny?

It is legal in the U.S. for medical facilities to be reimbursed for their reasonable costs for harvesting human tissue and organs, but it is illegal to sell them for profit. 

July 24, 2015

How Barack Obama Helped Create Donald Trump

When a president takes us too far in one direction, they start to swing back in the opposite direction—at least temporarily. Trump happens to be the brashest and most outlandish Obama critic, which allows him to take advantage of public discontent.

July 23, 2015

Sanders Calls For Single-Payer

"If we can’t repeal Obamacare, the country may be forced into a debate over whether a single-payer system is more efficient than Obamacare, and we may conclude it is," said IPI's Merrill Matthews.

July 17, 2015

Tavenner Is The Perfect Pick For AHIP As Big Insurers Become Public Utilities

This organization knows something about insurance, and a generous interpretation of its action is that hiring Tavenner is “buying a little insurance.”

July 17, 2015

Dump The Sham Distinction Between Campaign and Super PAC Money

As long as government is involved in every aspect of our lives, then there will be a lot of money thrown at campaigns, especially presidential elections. Every time liberals try to stop it, people come up with a way around the restriction.

July 15, 2015

Americans Spurn Obama's Green Machines for Big, Gas Guzzling SUVs

Turns out President Obama’s prediction about American drivers embracing electric cars was about as accurate as his prediction that Obamacare would lower health insurance premiums.

July 10, 2015

Will Conservatives Eventually Prefer Single-Payer Health Care to Obamacare?

If Republicans are unable to repeal or somehow bypass Obamacare, conservatives may eventually decide that a single-payer system—such as expanding Medicare to everyone—would be better than the Obamacare status quo.

July 8, 2015

The Myths About Fracking Are Many And Damaging

Much of the reporting on fracking is a confused mess. One day there's a news story or newly released study implying that fracking is causing earthquakes or groundwater contamination; the next day there's a different study or story asserting there is no clear connection. But scientific evidence does not support the media confusion and hyperbole. 

July 6, 2015

Bernie Sanders Is Polling As Well Against Hillary Clinton As Barack Obama Did In 2008

Hillary Clinton shouldn't take for granted she's got the Democratic nomination in the bag. Bernie Sanders, a self-described Socialist, is doing as well against Clinton in the polls as Obama was back in the 2008 election cycle.

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