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July 3, 2015

"King" Obama Decides to Raise Corporate Taxes and No One Can Stop Him

If a king wants to impose a huge new business tax he can just do it. And that’s what King Obama did with his just-announced change to overtime pay for salaried employees.

June 29, 2015

Is Obama A Deceiver? Or Is He Just Being Deceived?

Surely one of the most debated questions for historians after President Barack Obama’s eight years of economic and foreign policy mismanagement will be whether he was a deceiver or just deceived.

June 26, 2015

Betrayed Again! Four Takeaways From the Supreme Court's King v Burwell Decision

There are several conclusions we can draw from the King v Burwell decision, and like most dark clouds it has a few silver linings.

June 19, 2015

Rand Paul Proposes the Boldest Tax Reform Plan Yet

Paul's plan would “blow up” (his words) the incomprehensible U.S. tax code and start from scratch with a simple, low and fair tax.

June 18, 2015

Jeb Is The Best of the Bushes, But That's Not Saying Much

He’s still the best of the Bushes. But is that enough to attract conservative primary voters who are demanding less of the same ole thing?

June 16, 2015

Will A Decision For King Bring Health Care Stocks Crashing Down?

Health care stocks have been one of the best performing sectors over the past several years, especially thanks to Obamacare. But if plaintiffs win in King v. Burwell, will that decision send health care stocks into a tailspin?

June 12, 2015

Does Obama Want To Kill Obamacare?

As strange as it may sound, President Obama’s recent statements give the impression that he’s willing to let his health care law go on life support—if he can claim Republicans pulled the plug. 

June 10, 2015

We've Found The Source Of Human-Caused Global Warming: Data Manipulation

Scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) manipulated the raw data from global temperatures.  

June 8, 2015

It's Time We Gave Every Law a Time Limit

Insisting on sunset clauses would be a significant structural improvement in the function and efficiency of government at all levels, and would protect Americans from an ever-spreading snarl of outdated laws and regulations, administered by a government incompetent enough to allow them to accumulate in the first place.

June 5, 2015

Old and Broke In America

If you are an older American headed toward retirement, there’s a good chance you will be poor. We can fix the problem of old and broke in America, if it weren’t for entrenched, status quo forces.

Total Records: 930