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May 13, 2015

Let's Defund Terrorism By Ending the Oil Export Ban

It won’t happen overnight, but if we want to defund terrorism, we should start by undermining extremists’ primary funding source: energy.

May 8, 2015

Health Care Costs Are Declining Because You Are Paying More

The growth in health care spending has slowed down and President Obama wants you to know his health care law gets the credit. Or maybe the blame, because one reason for that slowdown is that you are spending more out of your own pocket.

May 6, 2015

With Bernie Sanders Running, Can We All Agree That The Democratic Party Is the Socialist Party?

Democrats used to get annoyed when critics accused President Obama of being a socialist. Not so with Vermont senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. 

April 29, 2015

Privatizing Social Security's Disability Program Would Help The Disabled

How about we quit nibbling at the edges of Social Security reform and try a plan that would not only help save the financially struggling program, which currently faces $13.4 trillion in unfunded liabilities, but improve benefits for the disabled.

April 24, 2015

Tough Questions for Hillary Clinton About Energy Policy

Now that Hillary Clinton is a presidential candidate, she needs to explain where she stands on one of the most important public policy issues of our time: energy

April 22, 2015

Good News for Conservatives (and Liberals) on Earth Day

April 22 marks the 45th Earth Day and those concerned about the earth and its environment have much to celebrate.

April 20, 2015

Attempts to Stifle Debate By Far-Left House Members Are Reminiscent of McCarthy Era

Are congressional progressives misusing their office to scapegoat climate-change deniers? 

April 17, 2015

Chris Christie Proves He Can Redistribute Money Like Barack Obama

Christie was in New Hampshire this week testing the presidential waters and decided to roll out a Social Security reform plan: Take money away from wealthier seniors and give it to lower-income seniors.

April 16, 2015

Without ECPA Update, Feds Will Spy On You Like It's 1986

Updating ECPA for the Internet Age would allow Congress to show that it is sensitive to Americans’ privacy concerns and to reaffirm our Fourth Amendment protections. 

April 12, 2015

Rand Paul Is Right: We Should Scale Back Our $48 Billion In Foreign Aid

The question isn’t which countries receive U.S. foreign aid, but which ones DON’T get it?

Total Records: 930