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April 11, 2015

The High Cost Of Inventing New Drugs -- And Of Not Inventing Them

If the cost of creating new drugs is high, the cost of not having any new drugs is immeasurable.

April 9, 2015

Could the Iran Deal Cost Democrats the Jewish Vote in 2016?

The Jewish vote goes overwhelmingly to Democratic candidates. But could President Obama’s deal with Iran erode that grip? And would it make any difference in the next presidential election?

April 6, 2015

Eight Good Reasons To Abolish The IRS

Looking at the long list of IRS abuses, something needs to be done.

March 29, 2015

It's Time For States To Tell The Feds To Take Their Subsidies And Shove 'Em

It’s time to end the cycle of the feds taking our money only to hand some of it back—minus a big bureaucratic handling charge—if states do their bidding.

March 26, 2015

Medicare's Becoming A Means-Tested Welfare Program, And That Could Be A Good Thing

Those fighting to keep Medicare from becoming a means-tested welfare program are losing the battle, but that might be the only way we’re ever going to get real Medicare reform.

March 25, 2015

President Obama and Iran's Supreme Leader Have One Thing In Common: They're Not Believable

If Obama gets a deal, don’t be surprised if the agreement stresses ending the sanctions first and compliance verification second. 

March 25, 2015

When Republicans Flip-Flop And Embrace Government Mandates

As we move closer to the presidential primaries, watch for most GOP candidates to praise the Renewable Fuel Standard mandate. You might even ask them, if you get the chance, why isn’t energy freedom more important?

March 19, 2015

Congress is Downsizing The IRS, So It Must Downsize the Tax Code

Tax reform and simplification needs to be one of the Republicans' top priorities. In the meantime, they should continue cutting the IRS budget.

March 13, 2015

A Constitutionalist's Guide to Obama's Unconstitutional Treaty with Iran

Our “constitutional scholar” in the White House is doing his best to violate Article II, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution by entering into a treaty with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

March 12, 2015

Blame the IRS and Congress, Not Software, For Tax Fraud

It’s shameful to see Congress pass the buck and attempt to pin the blame for tax fraud on tax preparation software.

Total Records: 930