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March 9, 2015

Scammers are Swindling Taxpayers Out of $1,000 Per Household

President Obama believes redistributing money is the way to create jobs and spur economic growth, and thieves are helping him do just that.

March 9, 2015

Think This Winter Was Cold? Try It With Only Green Energy

What if environmentalists had convinced Boston city officials that fossil fuels were destroying the planet and that renewable energy sources could supply the city's needs both in electricity generation and for powering city vehicles?

March 6, 2015

Are You Ready For The "Ready to Dump Hillary" Uprising?

Three Democratic factions are putting the pressure on Hillary to suspend her presidential dreams.

March 4, 2015

More Americans Will Benefit If Obamacare Loses the Supreme Court Challenge

If King wins, several million people will lose their health insurance subsidies. But a win for Obamacare means that tens of millions of uninsured Americans will have to pay a penalty in the hundreds or thousands of dollars.

March 2, 2015

Four Reasons Why So Many Question Obama's Love For America

Less than half of the country (47%) believes Obama loves America—a remarkable finding, given that we’re talking about the president of the United States.

February 28, 2015

Time for Congress To Gut The FCC

The FCC has forsaken its mandate to be both expert and independent, Congress now has every reason to gut the FCC and radically downsize its regulatory scope and authority.

February 26, 2015

Democrats Say A 2016 Electoral College "Blue Wall" Means Republicans Can't Win. Wrong

The so-called blue wall is an marketing effort to hide the more likely chance of a “blue fall.”

February 25, 2015

Let Us Talk of Many (Internet of) Things

Regulating before we even understand if regulations are needed, what ends regulations might serve, what the challenges might be, or even a useful definition of what would be regulated  would be foolish at best, and likely to impede innovation.

February 23, 2015

Democratic Panic Ensues As Obamacare Flaws Could Create Millions Of Republican Voters

Panic is in full display as Democrats and liberals realize that some of the newly recognized problems of the Affordable Care Act could create millions of new Republican voters in 2016.

February 18, 2015

Note to White House: Middle East Unemployment Isn't That Bad

Ideology, and in this case religious ideology, creates jihadis and terrorists. But Obama and his State Department continue to think that the root cause of all evil is that government hasn’t done enough.

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