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February 17, 2015

Liberal College-Degree Snobs Could Help Scott Walker's Presidential Bid

A president needs good judgment more than a good degree.

February 13, 2015

Busted: Obamacare Co-Ops Are Underwater And Sinking Fast

Obamacare created 23 “public options” that were supposed to demonstrate just how efficient and affordable government-run health insurance could be. Not full-blown socialized medicine, but a good start. Now, all but one of the 23 state co-ops are underwater.

February 12, 2015

Should the Supreme Court Limit Obamacare Subsidies Only to State-Created Health Exchanges?

That language is important because only 13 states set up their own exchanges. The other 37 either didn’t try or failed and so relied on the federal government to do it.

February 12, 2015

Obama Doesn't Care About the Keystone Pipeline Facts, Just the Politics

The House and Senate have now passed bipartisan legislation approving the Keystone XL pipeline. Seems like the only one who doesn’t support it is President Obama. And yet opposition to the pipeline is inexplicable if you know the facts behind the issue.

February 10, 2015

The White House Lied About Those Getting Amnesty Not Receiving Welfare Benefits

We are going to have to forget that old maxim that “crime doesn’t pay,” because in Obama’s redistribution economy crime (i.e., entering the country illegally) pays handsomely.

February 8, 2015

If Obama Wants Reagan's Capital Gains Tax Rate, He Should Take Reagan's Income Tax Rates

The White House has sent conservatives what it apparently thinks is a very clever message: You say the economy boomed under President Ronald Reagan’s tax reforms. Well, Reagan’s top capital gains tax rate was 28 percent, so let’s go back to that.

February 4, 2015

Are You (And High Schoolers) Smarter Than Immigrants Taking A Citizenship Test?

Arizona has become the first state in the country to require high school students to pass the basic civics test given to immigrants applying to become U.S. citizens. Students will have to correctly answer 60 of the test’s 100 questions. Can they do it? Can you?

February 2, 2015

Don't Fetishize Local Control

Abbott is correct; his observation clarifies an area of confusion among many regarding the supposed sanctity of local control.

January 30, 2015

New Congress Has an Energy Mandate

While the economy may have been voters' primary concern, energy issues played a key role, especially in the states that gave Republicans control of the Senate.

January 29, 2015

Rand Paul's Renewed Effort to Stop the Government From Stealing You Blind

Civil asset forfeiture has become one of law enforcement’s most egregious and unconstitutional practices.

Total Records: 930