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January 28, 2015

The EPA Hopes To Kill The Texas Jobs Machine

If implemented, the EPA’s ozone ceiling reduction would kill off Texas jobs and handicap future economic growth—and achieve virtually nothing in return.

January 28, 2015

Run, Joe, Run!

Vice President Joe Biden claims he’s still considering a presidential bid. All I can say is: Run, Joe, run. There are reasons why Joe should jump in; they may not be good reasons, but at least they’re better than Hillary’s.

January 28, 2015

Evidence Doesn't Support Fracking As Cause Of Texas Earthquakes

People understandably want answers when they feel the earth shake. But correlation is not causation.

January 27, 2015

How To Fix The Internet

Now the Obama administration is turning its attention to one of our few remaining problems: solving the puzzle of why the Internet has been such a massive disappointment.

January 23, 2015

Obama Just Gave Companies Another Reason Not To Hire Low-Income Workers

In his State of the Union address, the president challenged Congress to pass legislation that “gives every worker in America the opportunity to earn seven days of paid sick leave.” And that’s on top of forcing employers to provide health insurance and pushing for a 40 percent increase in the minimum wage.

January 21, 2015

Obama's SOTU Proposals Could Put More Than 57% Of The Public On The Federal Dole

Adding in President Obama’s costly new entitlement programs outlined in his State of the Union address could put a back-of-the-envelope estimate of about 180 million Americans on the government dole.

January 18, 2015

The President Who Brought You The Failed ObamaCare Website Now Wants To Bring You Government Internet

We are stuck, for two more years, with a president who thinks government can do it better—whatever it is. Ironically, he’s been trying to prove that point for six years and has nothing to show for it.

January 15, 2015

Five Reasons Romney Should Spare Republicans, and The Country, Another Presidential Bid

Apparently convinced that practice makes perfect, Mitt Romney is seriously considering a third presidential bid.

January 10, 2015

Obama Reneges on Yet Another Obamacare Promise

President Obama’s threatened veto of legislation defining full-time work as 40 hours a week instead of 30 hours reneges on another of his many Obamacare promises.

January 5, 2015

Four Questions Every Conservative Should Ask About the Defense Budget

Even as we honor our soldiers for the job they do, conservatives should bring the same concern about government waste, inefficiency and overreach to the military that we do to every other government agency.

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